Twelve Halloween masks to print

If two days ago we showed you three Halloween masks to print from Dracula, the Werewolf and Frankenstein, today we bring you an even bigger selection with more mythical characters from the scary stories, nothing less than twelve printable Halloween masks.

The grace of offering variety to children is that they can choose the mask they like the most or the least scary, that not all of them have to seem funny. As you can see there are masks of Dracula, Frankenstein and the Mummy and other more generic such as Pirate, Witch or Princess masks, which can be a good princess as well as an evil Queen as those of the tales.

The method to make them with them is very simple: you click on the mask you like to open the pdf that contains it and print it on a card. You cut it, you put elastic band and you give it to the boy or the girl to scare you. Do not forget to make a face of fear or "p'habernos matao".

Printable Halloween Zoombie Mask

Printable Halloween Werewolf Mask

Printable Halloween Witch Mask

Printable Halloween Skeleton Mask

Printable Halloween Scarecrow Mask

Printable Halloween Robot Mask

Printable Halloween Pirate Mask

Printable Halloween Mummy Mask

Printable Halloween Devil Mask

Printable Halloween Vampire Mask

Printable Halloween Frankenstein mask

Printable Halloween Princess Mask