Family nests for the care of babies in Euskadi

The Basque Government has launched in Basque Country the hauretxeak initiative or family nests for baby care From 0 to 3 years. The experimental phase has been well received, so the current five will be added next year 18 more family nests.

Some time ago we were talking about something very similar: mothers by day, professionals who take care of the child in their homes.

It is a system that has been implemented for years in France and other European countries that consists of the care of children up to 3 years old by professionals in their private homes, which must be adequately conditioned to meet the needs of children and all security guarantees.

The family nests they must meet the condition of being near the child's home or the parents' work. Unlike nursery schools, there are no schedules, but these are adapted to the needs of each family.

The idea is to offer an individualized service, since they take care of themselves a maximum of three or four children, in addition to providing a more family environment, protection and safety, respecting the growth rate of each child.

They intend it to become a second home for the child, an extension of your own home, which remains open every working day of the year, when their parents cannot take care of them personally. The food is provided by the parents, that is, the child eats the same as he eats at home, and there is a close relationship between the families and the caregiver.

The cost is similar to that of a nursery school, and although it has received criticism from this sector because they consider it meaningless, family nests for baby care They seem to me a very valid alternative to bear in mind that it should be extended to other communities.

Until now, few care options were known apart from nursery schools and the important thing, I think, is that families have different options to choose from. What do you think of family nests?

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