Three Wise Men: last minute tips for buying toys

Surely, at this point the wise men They will have the gifts prepared for the most magical night of the year. However, there is always some lagging Magician King. For the less anticipated, we will give some Last minute tips for buying toys.

Toy prices tend to rise at the last minute, but this is not always the case. If you have a little waist, you can even take advantage of the first sales of some stores like Toy's R Us that already has settlements of up to 50 percent.

Even if they are “hurried” purchases, we must not forget the safety recommendations so that the toys do not play, like checking that you have the CE seal, include safety instructions and keep the packaging intact.

In addition to that, it is very important to choose the most suitable toys for each age. It is likely that at this point there are exhausted products, so when choosing any other toy you have to pay attention to the age recommended by the manufacturer.

For this reason, because the toys that the children may have ordered are sold out, it is time to open up to new gift alternatives (that not everything is toys). You can give books, craft kits and even clothes, taking advantage of the fact that in many stores the January sales have already begun.

To avoid last-minute queues, online purchase It is an excellent option, as long as you check in the delivery calendar that the gift will arrive on time. There are toy stores with express delivery service, although logically it is more expensive. But it is the price that must be paid for having waited until the last moment.

Finally, remember that you should always keep the purchase ticket for possible claims.

Video: I Tried Ordering Live Fish in the Mail (July 2024).