What are your purposes as parents for 2012 ?: the question of the week

Like every week today we are going to talk about the question of the week, proposing a question to give us your answers and taking a look at what we asked you last Wednesday, valuing what your answers are.

A few days ago we changed the year, saying goodbye to 2011 and welcoming 2012, which we hope is better than the previous one. One of the ways to do better is thanks to the changes that many people decide to make from January 1, that of the "New Year, new life."

It is possible that some of these changes are planned for our facet of parents, to improve our relationship with our children or simply not to spoil it. That is why this week we ask you the following:

What are your purposes as parents for 2012?

From today you have a week to go answering that question in the Answers section (if you reply here in this post the message will not be taken into account) and next Wednesday we will comment on the most voted or most interesting interventions.

Last week's question

Last week we asked you: How will you spend New Year's Eve with your children? to see what you thought about it, what were your plans with the children on that different night.

The answer with the highest score in the votes has been that of Judit Ramírez Oliva, who tells us the following:

It will be my daughter's second birthday, so after a day of celebrations some friends will come to dinner (they don't have children) but we will eat all together, our little one will accompany us in everything until she “endures”, and after the grapes we will surely We will go to bed both and let the others continue with the party (I am pregnant and I am not too much for a jog: P).

The other interventions send us the message that the children count, that they will take the grapes at the time they play and, on the other hand, that in the background it is a day like any other and that we must celebrate every day that we are with our children .

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: Parents criticizing your passion (July 2024).