Pregnant on the cover: Melani Olivares will give birth at home

This weekend we were able to see a beautiful photo of a pregnant woman on the cover of a Sunday supplement. In The World Magazine Melani Olivares has posed, expecting a baby for next month, illustrating an article about "ecomadres", women who live motherhood according to their ecological convictions.

Although under that term very different attitudes are included. Prolonged breastfeeding, porridge with organic ingredients, colecho, alternative medicines, organic diapers, home births, accompaniments of doulas ... It would also be "ecomadors" to require the services of a "day mother", educators with whom mothers leave their children when they go to work, instead of daycare centers.

However, women who make statements in the article "The time of ecomadres" are not considered radical and are very clear that they do not want to be pigeonholed for following all the "postulates" of ecomaternity. Which, incidentally, would be quite expensive, although this is another issue.

The photograph of actress Melani Olivares, pregnant and naked (although very covered and retouched), has given much to talk, and also his statements to the magazine. The truth is that when I saw the picture on Sunday, it immediately caught my attention, and I really liked it.

Recall that Melani Olivares rose to fame for being the Peace of "Aída", although he has done other works in the interpretation. I liked how a woman on the cover can boast a belly, I liked the makeup to recreate the green scene (the photo is the work of Álvaro Villarrubia) and also some of her statements.

Melani Olivares prepares to give birth in a natural birth at home, because you do not want to fall into hospital protocols and look for a more suitable environment for the birth of your baby:

I did not want to go to the hospital and follow a protocol with which I disagree, in which the woman is encouraged to give birth in the fastest way, in a much less suitable environment for the arrival of a new life.

That is why it was reported and decided a birth in which the protagonists were her and her partner, a birth as an act of love and not as "if they were taking out an appendix".

In the magazine they speak widely of the concept of 'ecomadre', although Melani says that she does not see herself as such, because although she wants a natural birth she is in favor of other advances in medicine and technology.

We know that the actress will not use washable diapers for her baby, that they will eat organic products, resort to homeopathy or osteopathy "in a matter of health" and does not pronounce on whether or not to breastfeed the baby ("breastfeeding seems very much better than not giving it, but in each one there is the decision to do what he has to do "). And after four and a half months of retirement he will continue with his series and the theater:

I will make a break in January, when the baby is born, but first I will make some more chapters. I have everything planned, my pregnancy has not been a problem for my work. I have adapted everything so that there is no problem, I have been very lucky.

In any case, Congratulations to Melani Olivares for looking so great on the cover of the magazine. He expects a girl who will raise the family with his other daughter, a girl that the actress adopted more than three years ago. I hope all goes well!