"Our Premature, much more than movie stars", a video tribute to premature babies

On November 17, the International Day of Premature Children is celebrated, and to commemorate it, the team of health professionals working in the Neonatal Care Unit of the University General Hospital of Alicante have produced a beautiful video entitled "Our Prematures, much more than movie stars", in which they pay tribute to premature babies.

The video has two clear intentions: on the one hand, to pay tribute to the premature child, his parents and relatives, great protagonists of the story, and on the other hand, not less important, transmit the pride felt by doctors, nurses and others professionals working in the Neonatal ICU.

In these cases, the union of families and professionals who care for babies is very strong, as both put all their dedication and love to carry out these small great fighters born early.

It's a bit long (12 minutes), but I invite you to take a break and watch this beautiful video that will reach your heart. By the way, with excellent musicalization.

It is divided into three parts: the first is an introduction in which the Neonatal ICU and its professionals are presented, accompanied by the music from the original soundtrack of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean Sea; the second speaks of prematurity, of its medical and human environment, accompanied by the theme "Beautiful boy", by Celine Dion, mother of premature children; and finally, the third one addresses the Mission, Vision and Values ​​of the Neonatal ICU, accompanied by the theme “Time” by Elan.

In a country where one in ten babies is born before the 37th week of gestation, a figure that has doubled in the last ten years, it is essential to become aware of the importance of humanization in the care of the premature baby.

According to the video "Our Prematures, much more than movie stars", in homage to premature babies, the humanization of premature care is the great breakthrough of the 21st century, appreciation with which I completely agree.

I let you enjoy the video.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (May 2024).