Summary of the week from February 1 to 7 in Peques and More

We return a week full of information, resources and content for all those who want to follow learning about those wonderful children from 5 to 12 years old that make our lives happy every day. And since Peques and more We bring you our weekly summary for the whole family.

We take advantage of the week to lower the pressure on digital natives indicating that knowledge is not acquired only by knowing how to access the Internet but that competencies to achieve valuable knowledge they have to be trained and encouraged from small and by professionals. Even so, young people, digital natives or not, are tremendously capable and yesterday, February 7, they celebrated Internet Security Day with the motto Connecting Generations.

In toys we present the Lego proposal for The Lord of the Rings that will arrive in the summer of 2012. And in purchases and anticipating the next carnival We have already begun to choose costumes, through online stores, to acquire those costumes they make for authentic babies pocholones full of grace and tenderness.

In Peques and Más we continue the series of precautions when using the Internet, this week we talk about sexting which consists in the dissemination or publication of content (mainly photographs or videos) of a sexual nature. We also present a fun activity for practice at home, with slightly older children, based on techniques to memorize almost anything.

We have passed in Spain a terrible cold wave although with the snack that Macarena proposes based on French toast he cold It becomes more bearable.

In the Health, the Aladina Foundation Our attention continues to be given to the prominence they offer to the kids with cancer at the Hospital del Niño Jesús in Madrid. An unparalleled work done by this foundation chaired by Paco Arango. We remember all week of cancer and the impact that this terrible disease has, especially with children, and in the lives of their parents and siblings.

We also comment other health issues Like what to do when children throw up. We also remember pharyngitis and the impact it has on the well-being of children.

And in educationWe commented on Salman Khan's recommendations for youth learning and his academy proposal that he presented with Bill Gates at another TED conference. Another issue related to education was the problem of bullying and how parents we are directly responsible of the education of children and the adequate transmission of values, norms and behaviors towards them. And for those parents pending enrollment for the 2012-2013 academic year these recommendations may be of high interest because it is better to know in advance where our child will spend many days of his life while he is training.

At leisure we proposed an offer to enjoy Valentine's Day with your family with caregivers for the little ones. And if you want to entertain at home you can take a look at this exciting short film of Mr. Morris Lessmore's fantastic books and that he is a candidate for Oscar of 2011.

In Peques and Más we are preparing a special for Communion and continue to complete our series. This week we talk about what this important is and what it is sacrament.

As always, we recommend that you go through Peques and more, so that you can review these contents more widely as well as discover more articles than those included in this summary. Until next week!