"Unnecessary caesarean section": a Hip Hop song to vindicate the humanization of births

A few days ago we told you that in Italy the number of caesarean sections has been very high lately and it seems that it is not the only country that is noticing. Puerto Rico has achieved the dubious honor of being the country of America in which more caesarean sections are practiced, reaching 50% of deliveries.

This alarming fact has made several professionals and various sectors of the population have decided to complain, among other things, creating the Inne-Caesarean platform, whose objective is to offer information to the population and join voices against a system that is abusing the use of caesarean section to much higher levels than those lived here in Spain when alarms were already raised (around 23% in publics and 45% in private ones).

Within the strategies to raise public awareness and to claim a more humanized birth, it was decided to use a motto, a song that would serve as a banner and that song is titled “Unnecessary caesarean section”, whose music video I bring you here today.

This is a theme created by the artists Carlos Padilla Caraballo (singer-songwriter) and Misael González (music), who wanted to use the Hip hop, a style of music that is often implicitly criticized, as a means to explain what the problem is, what the causes and what the possible solutions.

As they make clear in the same song, it is not a critique of caesarean section as an intervention, but the abuse of caesarean sections to the point that one in two women is not, in theory, able to give birth to her baby. As the women of Puerto Rico do not come from another planet it is clear that they have the same conditions as other countries to give birth, being then much of the caesarean sections that are practiced unnecessary.

I do not know if the song will like it or not, but that it is moving is something obvious, because I have been watching it on social networks for days. The more you move, the more you run, the more people will know the situation in Puerto Rico and more people can censor such (bad) treatment of women They will give birth in the hope that everything goes in the best possible way.