¡Convive !: a television program to learn how to reconcile

Can a person outside the family help to have a better family reconciliation, a more equal distribution of household chores? That is the purpose (and it seems that the achievement) of "¡Convive!", The program of La 2 of TVE that helps the conciliation.

It is a hybrid genre that is so fashionable and that combines reality shows and testimonial programs with an expert who observes and helps. In this case, experts observe the behavior of a family with problems and give guidelines for improvement.

The challenge of "Convive!" it is the reconciliation within the home and the balanced distribution of household chores, something that is sure to be lacking in many families, although many do not perceive any problem in this regard.

The program stems from strong statistics: in 95% of the cases it is the woman who assumes the double task of taking care of the work and the house, the children ... In fact, the producer of the program indicates that they did not find men to carry the home and outside the woman who helped.

Even so in the program we can see very different families: numerous and without children, rural and urban environment, young and middle-aged, gay couples ...

The "coachs", teachers or coaches, come to the rescue of the different families with a conflict offering them guidelines to distribute tasks, that the couple negotiates, orienting them so that the man begins to assume responsibilities ...

The truth is that it can surprise a format of this type on a state television, but it is explained why the message of equality affects everyone and it could be considered to be a public service (this is how they present themselves) and it is not a program that pretends to laugh at people or generate scandal.

With that informative spirit, because they deal with problems that affect many people, and in a casual tone it is issued (programming changes through) Sundays at 8 pm on TVE's 2.

I do not know if there will be changes within these families (I missed the first chapter, but I hope to see the program soon), I imagine that at least it will serve for the reflection and awareness of the protagonists and some other viewers who come across the program.

Here is the summary of the first broadcast, which can be seen from this link:

A young couple, both workers, lend themselves to our chambers to negotiate to distribute household chores. Toñín, an entrepreneur farmer, considers himself 'a country man'. His life is dedicated to the care of his olive trees and his flock of sheep. He thinks that the distribution of tasks is "a thing of the city". For him, that cast, in the rural area, is perfectly clear: there are tasks for men, and tasks for women. Blanca, on the other hand, is dedicated to her work in a nursing home and also assumes the care of her daughter Lara and household chores. He thinks, and says so, that Toñin's work is very easy. After the negotiation with the coacher, they decide to share the work and responsibilities. Without a doubt, Toñín is able to solve any situation, but in his own way. In turn, Blanca, when faced with the work of Toñin, discovers that nothing is as easy as she believed. Given the result they decide to "negotiate".

Making these cases visible and observing how you can act so that the distribution of tasks is more fair, there is respect and equality in families and there is no drama seems positive.

What also happens is that in many houses they are not aware of being behaving in an unfair or respectful way and will pass by "¡Convive!", The program that helps achieve family reconciliation and greater equality at home.