The video of Ronaldo playing with his twins that revives the debate about gender stereotypes

Since social networks are part of our lives, the publications of proud parents abound showing the virtues of their children. And that is what I should pretend Cristiano Ronaldo, when published a video of him playing with his 22-month-old twins two days ago on his Twitter account with the comment 'blessed house' (blessed home).

In the foreground, the famous Juventus footballer is seen kicking the ball to Mateo and congratulating him on how well he plays it, while behind Eva also wants to play, but his father ignores it, so he decides to go for his cleaning cart.

It's only 49 seconds of recording, enough for social network users to get on top of Ronaldo accusing him of promoting gender stereotypes. And everything CR7 does or says generates a barrage of reactions, and its last video is no exception.

Blessed house ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

- Cristiano Ronaldo (@Cristiano) April 5, 2019

He to suck, she to clean

The criticisms soon appeared, especially after the psychologist Laura Redondo pointed out on her Twitter account that the video shows "differential education by gender".

Explain how the child "has the attention, is the protagonist (reinforced)"while the girl is "ignored and excluded from the game (punished by omission)".

And dares to define Ronaldo's attitude of machismo: "Boy ball. Girl waits and goes for broom. This is not neutral, it is the cradle of inequality."

Differential education by gender in a video:
Child: It has the attention, it is the protagonist (reinforced)
Girl: She is ignored and excluded from the game (punished for omission).
Child ball. Girl waits and goes for broom.
This is not neutral, it is the cradle of inequality. It is machismo. //

- Laura Redondo (@LauraRdondo) April 7, 2019
In Babies and more, what message would you leave for the baby you expect if it were a child? What if I was a girl? Gender stereotypes that still persist

The criticisms have been so numerous that even a # Eva hashtag was created, where you can read pills like these, which point out how macho the attitude of the player is:

Reminder: ignoring someone is a punishment. It is as effective as punishment, or more, than to punish, because if they punish you at least they pay attention to you. # Eva also wants

- La Guiri (@laguiri) April 7, 2019

How to teach a girl several things:
1) that her father passes from her
2) that the important one is the child
2) that the ball is not a girl thing
3) that a kind of cleaning cart you have there is for her
4) That such a thing is boring shit.
# EvaTa alsoWouldShould //

- Beatriz Gimeno (@ BeatrizGimeno1) April 7, 2019

She doesn't pay attention to the girl, she is recording the boy or we are going to be clear, we are not stupid

- X Her (o). (@xKaellum) April 7, 2019

The good sign of all this is that many of us stop normalizing these gestures.
Unfortunately, the one who still does not realize is the one who has the most responsibility. # EvaTa AlsoWouldCheck //

- Úrsula (@ Ursula_95) April 7, 2019

# Eva also wants
if this is the model of being a father, and the model that many venerate ... there are many models to throw away ...
recycling, of course
👏 @ Christian

- Marina Educació CCOO (@MarinaEduCCOO) April 7, 2019

Even our companions of Xataka Magnet remind us that it is not the first time that the videos that Cristiano Ronaldo publishes in his social networks reinforce gender stereotypes, like him playing with his eldest son to football.

Great way to end a perfect weekend Get all your favorite CR7 Denim gear with our Cyber ​​Monday special @ cr7limitless @ cr7junior #BFCM #CyberMonday # CR7Denim

Meanwhile, his partner, Georgina Rodríguez, plays with girls to put on makeup or combine handbags.

We love each other. I think Eva makes it very clear HAPPY WEEK # Mommy Proud #happy #love

Not everyone sees it the same

But not everything has been critical. In fact, to the psychologist's tweet, some dissenting voices answered that do not understand all the uproar formed, when it is only a video of a father showing the innate qualities of his son with football.

Everything is from the point of view of the viewer, I see a father playing ball with one of his children and now. That the daughter could participate, could, but at this moment or video is not the case.
I will not look for more laps even though I understand your point of view

- Jose Luis González (@JoseLuisGonMar) April 7, 2019
In Babies and more Toxic masculinity: why we should avoid transmitting it to our children

The same person explains that this discrimination is not such, and that it does not matter if they are a boy and a girl or two children, that the siblings always dispute their parents' attention. And another agrees, ensuring that if they were two children nothing would have happened.

If the baby behind was a child, not many things would be said

- Luthessa (@Luthessa_) April 8, 2019

And even tweets of this type appeared in the hashtag created on the video:

You are sick Judge the proceeding of a father for a video of 40 seconds. You have to make them look. It will be macho or not, but of course you have the same idea as me to know if it is or not. I mean, zero # Eva also wants

- David Garcia Cerezo (@ DavidGarciaCer3) April 7, 2019

If I were 5 years old I would have nothing talented, that doing so with that coordination and strength with just a year and a half is brutal. At that age the children do not coordinate the passage of the ball, hit seconds after they pass by

- Jesús Figueroa (@mrjesusfigueroa) April 7, 2019

Some of his fans also rushed to defend the former Real Madrid soccer player, stating that Cristiano plays soccer with his little daughter Alana Martina and they confirm it with a video that was uploaded to Instagram Georgina, the soccer player's partner.

The video of @Cristiano playing with his daughter, Alana Martina, with the ball that he took home after scoring the three goals to @Atleti in the @ChampionsLeague. The reaction of the little one is 🔝 # ConectamosTusEmociones

- MARCA Claro (@MarcaClaro) March 15, 2019

And you do you think? Do you see a father showing the qualities of his son to kick the ball or a father who ignores his daughter and does not play football with her because she is a girl and her games must be feminine? You opt for one position or another, it is clear that the controversy is served.

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