Sparx: the video game that treats depression in teenagers

Each year approximately 6% of the world's teenagers suffer depression, although the vast majority do not go to the specialist so they are not diagnosed and do not receive treatment. A group of New Zealand researchers, conducted a study published in the British Medical Journal, in which they concluded that to treat adolescents with depression, a good choice was to create a computer program, as young people feel closer to the environment of new technologies.

And they created SPARX, a self-help video game aimed at these youngsters with role-playing format in a fantastic world, in 3D and with their own soundtrack that teaches techniques to control and improve the symptoms of depression.

To analyze the impact of the video game, a study was conducted with 187 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 of New Zealand primary care centers with depressive symptoms. All of them passed psychological tests, to assess their severity and thus classify them into two groups, one of them treated with therapy through this video game and the rest with the traditional treatment for said disease.

Once the game was over, the groups were evaluated with several psychological tests, resulting in the SPARX It was so effective and even more, than usual care, in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. 44% of the group that followed the video game fully recovered, while only 26% of those who followed the traditional therapy recovered.

The results were satisfactory since it is considered that SPARX It is a self-help resource. The only contact made by the kids who used the video game was to go to the health center to see the doctor. They also contacted by phone after the month of treatment.

SPARX It can be used, with little supervision and in it the teenagers can choose their avatar and live an adventure through seven imaginary provinces where they will face challenges and puzzles, learning at the same time that they play cognitive and behavioral techniques, to treat the disease.

The researchers emphasize that the therapy usually has a duration of four to seven weeks and that being available to young people, it is they who choose when to connect and the time they spend on it.

I think it is a very good initiative to try to improve this type of disorders in children and adolescents. It would be good to know if in Spain they are considering their implementation.

Video: Can we use video games to treat depression? (May 2024).