The things a child should know

We all wonder about the things that a small child should know. There is so much to learn in life that it seems that having turned four or five years old is too little time to have discovered its mysteries. However, within our Maternity and Paternity Course, here is my list of what your children should know.

A child should know that is loved unconditionally for their parents, at all times, and that, even if they are wrong, they are still loved and respected by their family.

A child should know that as a person and child that he is You have the right to laugh, dream and play, to believe in fairies and goblins, to do "nonsense", run and sing.

Learning and early childhood education

A child must know which can always go beyond the limits when coloring, which can paint the sun green and flowers of any color. That nobody owns their creativity or their dreams and that they learn with imagination and play.

A child has to know that playing is how children grow up and that you don't have to sit or shut up to learn. You have to know that interrupting your game without real need is an interference and, of course, no one should send in if you want to play scouts or small houses at all times.

A child has to know that Numbers and letters is not the most important thing to learn at this age and how important it is that you can discover playing how high you can jump or that dinosaurs can walk by your side if you imagine it.

He has to know that the numbers and letters surround him and, with love, his parents will explain what he wants to learn, without anyone marking the time or age at which everything should be done.

A child has to know that the park, the forest, the beach, the sand and the wind are his classmates and his teachers. A child has to know that can get dirty when he plays and we are not going to punish him or allow anyone to do it for having gotten dirty. And that we are going to take care of that nobody limits or pigeonholes their learning with rules that go against their true needs.

Health and personal safety habits

A child has to know that hygiene and health habits They are not a whim of their parents, but something necessary so that they do not get sick. And know that, if you ask us for an explanation, we will give it adapted to your understanding but, if you do not understand it, you can trust us.

Of course, our rules should be realistic and flexible. Nothing happens if you do not comb or bathe today if you are tired, but washing your hands or teeth can not skip it.

A child should know that you can eat when you are hungry and stop eating when you are no longer hungry. That the dish does not have to be finished by social convention, either at home or away from home and that no one is authorized to press it to eat if they no longer want to.

A four or five year old must already know some rules to stay safe and not take risks when he plays and knows the world. Our role as parents is to explain to them that there are dangers, that they should not cross a street alone or that they should never leave our sight. They also have to know that no one, even someone who seems trustworthy, has the right to do anything they don't like and that their parents will believe and defend if they find themselves in an awkward situation.

A child must know the risks of approaching an unknown animal or climbing a high place without our permission, and that we will be responsible for evaluate the risks. They should know that you should not touch electrical appliances without supervision or approach the kitchen fire.

A child should know that nobody can force you to play with whoever bothers you, add or dislike and you don't have to "be friends" with anyone who doesn't treat you well, nor do you have to share your time, your games or your toys with other children if you don't want to.

Full trust

A child has to know that yes it hurts or is afraid we will go by your side and we will comfort you, without judging or labeling it, whatever time it is. That we will give them a hug and a kiss when they need it and that, if at night you feel alone or scared, you have a place next to us to sleep accompanied.

A child has to know that every day we will be with him consciously, actively listening to your worries and thoughts. That his "things" are important to us as they are to him and that we will not minimize or deny his feelings.

A child has to know that we will consider your opinion and we will not force you to do things that annoy or dislike you to please others and, in the same way, you should not do things that might bother or dislike others. That we respect him as a person he is, and that, because he is a child, his rights are not less than those of adults.

Also, therefore, you have to know that when we ask you for something you do not want to do, we will do it because it is really necessary for your well-being or safety. I mean, you have to know that really, really, you can trust us.

A child should know that if you suffer aggressions or insults of his classmates or of an adult who has authority over him, even if he is a relative or teacher, you can trust your parents always and that they will defend their rights until the last consequences. That they will never tell you to defend yourself by hitting or that you should shut up so that you do not reject it because you are different. You should know that any threat will be minimized if you trust your parents, that they will act. That will prevent our son from being assaulted by threats from other children in school out of fear.

A child has to know that his parents they will support you in the pursuit of your dreams and they will not cut his wings telling him that what he wants to be of greater “is impossible”.

A child should know that always he will be told the truth and your questions will be answered honestly by adapting the answers to your age.

Child you have to know that we trust him, which is intelligent, bright, free and full of love and creativity. He just needs us to let him grow to develop all those wonderful abilities.

These are the things that I think children should know as soon as possible and that the sooner we teach them, the stronger, free and happy they can be.

In Babies and more | Ten things that your child needs to do, do we let children be children ?, 10 things that I allow my child to do, Children have to get dirty, Cities are hostile to children

Video: 10 Important Things Your Child Should Learn by Age 10 (May 2024).