Neither tobacco nor alcohol are tight underpants that affect man's fertility, according to study

There are many recommendations on healthy eating habits and leaving aside addictions such as tobacco and alcohol if you want to conceive. However, a new study has revealed that these tips are useless, neither tobacco nor alcohol influence, and what you really have to avoid are the tight underpants that affect man's fertility.

Researchers at the Universities of Sheffield and Manchester have analyzed risk factors related to low semen quality and affirm that slip-type briefs interfere with the ability to conceive, more than other factors.

The explanation is that the testicles need to be a degree or two below body temperature for proper sperm production, which is why they have their own sac where they can hang outside the body. The tight underpants alter this anatomical characteristic achieved thanks to millions of years of human evolution.

What does the study say?

To carry out the study, the data of 2,249 men with 939 men who had a low sperm mobility level and another group of 1,310 healthy men who had produced high mobility sperm were compared.


According to the results, the use of drugs, tobacco and alcohol, and measurements of body mass index (BMI) had very little effect on sperm quality.

Instead, the data analysis showed that men who ejaculated low numbers of sperm mobility were 2.5 times more likely to have undergone testicular surgery, twice as likely to be black and 1.3 times more probability of performing a manual job.

It was also seen that these men They didn't wear loose underpants or had not previously conceived.

Tight briefs interfere with sperm production

From this we go on this type of studies generate controversy, since the latest trends in male fertility are aimed at that the man who wants to conceive should take care of his diet and lifestyle habits, as much as the woman, prioritizing antioxidant-rich foods such as fruits and Vegetables to improve sperm quality.

The study supports the theory that slip-type briefs increase the temperature of the testicles affecting spermatogenesis (sperm production), although it is a position discussed by some scientific trends.

Therefore, men with low sperm count are advised not to give up neither tobacco nor alcohol, but stop using tight underpants and choose boxer briefs.

Neither one thing nor the other, but both

To say that bad habits are not related to fertility problems would not be adequate, since we already know the effects of stress and an unhealthy diet, with foods rich in saturated fats, in the quality and quantity of sperm. Nor can we believe that the only thing that interferes with fertility is tight underpants.

Of course there are men who smoke, drink and wear slippers and have become fathers. But by common sense, if we talk about the ideal conditions to conceive the general recommendation it would be a combination of healthy habits such as healthy eating, leaving harmful habits such as tobacco and alcohol and avoiding underwear that is too tight.