In the Fundetec initiative, children are teachers of the elderly in the use of technologies

Of all the magnificent content of the video that illustrates the article I am left with the last statement of the lady that explains that what has surprised him most is that he can learn to use technology. And I have no doubt because those who explain them are young people, who are very well prepared, and because I believe that technology is easy to use, especially in recent years with the large number of devices and applications that facilitate it.

It is also explained by one of the project managers when it indicates that He has been surprised that people who are as close in the home as grandchildren and grandparents, keep a distance in the use of these applications that separates them noticeably. I dare to say that it also happens between some parents and children or between teachers and students. So this project of Knowledge Volunteers, which according to Fundetec, is funded by the European Union and framed in the European Year of Active Aging and Intergenerational Solidarity, it seems to me a great initiative for practical knowledge to flow.

The school that has collaborated giving 24 volunteers of 3rd and 4th ESO has been the Sacred Hearts Paradise of Madrid, and has achieved that, in just two months, 53 older people learn to use the computer and the Internet. The initiative does not end there because the training will continue in September 2012 with the incorporation of new participants.

The program departs from Europe and has the objective that the elderly continue to play an active role in society using technologies because they allow them to be more participatory, more communicated and improve their quality of life.

The training program is ambitious because it explains the ABC of New Technologies, introduction to the use of social networks, use of electronic procedures with public administrations and applications of domestic technology. For now, only the first of the modules has been taught, although it seems that the topics have been expanded towards more practical issues such as: Internet utilities, buying tickets for shows, viewing and sending photos by email, downloading music, consulting recipes, etc. .

Being a European program I imagine that the name they have given the video: 'The knowledge volunteers' It has to be in English because the ease to share it, find it or for the elderly to see that there are other people like them who are getting to learn it makes it practically impossible.

The initiative seems very good and I think all you can do is grow and multiply. In Spain we have a great option to make technology one of the engines of economic growth and the more people who participate in it, not just young people, it will be much better for everyone.

Video: (July 2024).