Awards “Tell me about your grandfather. Tell me about your grandson ”

The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren can be lived, but also expressed in many ways. The contest "Tell me about your grandfather. Tell me about your grandson" proposes to grandparents and grandchildren to tell how they live it, through stories or drawings.

The objective of the contest is to highlight the intergenerational values ​​and the relationship between grandparents, grandchildren and schools, and the XIV edition has already been held, in which 3,000 grandparents and grandchildren from all over Spain have participated.

The awards are presented tomorrow by the Spanish Confederation of Organizations of the Elderly (CEOMA) and the SM Foundation, the organizers of this contest, in Madrid.

The contest is aimed at students between three and six years old, from Primary and Secondary Education compulsory from public, concerted and private schools, to Special Education centers throughout Spain and to grandparents. The works have consisted of a short story or in a drawing that expresses the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren.

A good idea is to give children and adults the opportunity to express that special relationship and strengthen the intergenerational meeting between grandparents and grandchildren. From here we congratulate the winners and we hope to announce a new edition of the contest next year.

Video: Grandson Shows Coming Out Film Made For His Grandpa and Something Really Remarkable Happened (July 2024).