Baby's first professional photo album

Some parents prefer not to make videos or photographs during childbirth, but the vast majority decide to start a great photo album later, with the newborn as the protagonist. What is less common although it is increasingly fashionable is to hire the services of a professional photographer to create the baby album.

Before there were the parties to publicize the sex of the baby, reports of pregnancy, parties to say goodbye to pregnancy, ultrasound videos ... and now from the United States we get this trend that creates the first "book" of the baby. That is why there are more and more specialized companies in Spain.

In the United States there is Birth Photographers, the International Association of Professional Photographers for childbirth, which also take care of the newborn. In Spain, professional photographers offer themselves mostly in private hospitals where the mother will give birth, although they can also work in home deliveries.

In principle, public hospitals have banned the entrance of more than one companion to the delivery room, but photographers can join immediately to welcome the baby.

In any case, the reports usually begin one day after birth, when the baby and the mother are already calmer. Then the professional photo session begins, in which the baby appears as posing and surrounded by the necessary scenery, mainly stuffed animals, flowers ...

Of course, the photos are very expensive, to give us an idea their prices are around what a professional wedding or communion report could cost, depending on the number of desired photos.

For this, although this type of services does not proliferate (time to time), there are companies such as First photo specialized in the first days of the baby, photographers who work locally such as The photos of my baby, Sergio Cueto, Philippe Degroote ...

The truth is that the idea of ​​having a quality photographic memory of those early days is a very good idea, another thing is that we are willing to pay what the work of the Baby's first professional photo album. Many of us will continue to settle for our greater or lesser expertise when portraying ... and the tricks of digital image editors.