The crisis, enemy of good food?

The crisis may be favoring breastfeeding, which is great news for those babies who take the best food during their first months and do so for longer than before. But at lunchtime sitting at the table, unfortunately the crisis seems to be the enemy of good infant feeding and of the whole family, at least occasionally.

Many families have less money, and healthy diets are often more expensive than insane ones. There are studies that link obesity (in developed countries) to lower social classes, because they consume more junk food.

It is easier and cheaper to fill the shopping basket (and the stomach) with buns than with fruits, with precooked products and saturated fat products than with fish. If we opt for the healthiest foods yet, the organic ones, the price is rising. But it is not impossible to eat well despite the crisis.

Taking into account that excess weight and obesity are upward evils in Spain and in the rest of the developed world, we must make an effort not to link the crisis with poor diet. We remind you at this point the tips for children to eat well despite the crisis.

But it is that this requires a lot of information, and many families are not usually interested in nutritional issues. Nor do the authorities make too much effort for the formation of the population, there is a lack of awareness about the importance of the issue and that the junk food industry is not so powerful.

However, we do highlight some work in schools, where children learn firsthand thanks to some campaigns (which we hope will continue underway despite the crisis) how good some foods are, such as the fruits of each place .

But of course, if these children take two tangerines home one day and the rest of the year they don't have fruits for dessert at home, little can be done to promote their health. And not all fruits are so expensive, in fact we can find cheaper fruits and vegetables than "buns." Legumes are other cheap foods.

Eating seasonal and locally sourced food often lowers prices. Frozen foods do not have to alter the nutritional quality of foods such as meat and vegetables. Let's run away from expensive brands and unhealthy fads. Let's prepare our food with healthy ingredients (bread, yogurts ...) and give an example to the kids with our own food.

The crisis can be the enemy of good food, but it doesn't have to. That the crisis does not become an excuse to fall into the easy and the fast or to forget the truly important.