Cooking with children: recipe for making crunch chocolates

The recipe I bring you today is a classic among chocolates: crunch recipe. For those who have never tried it, crunch is a crunchy chocolate tablet manufactured by a well-known multinational food company. Although eating chocolates is not the best thing for a child, surely a candy falls from time to time, so it better be homemade that at least we know what ingredients it carries.

The original recipe that we all know is slightly different, because the chocolate that we find in supermarkets has puffed rice and nuts and the recipe I will give you is made with whole-grain cookies, but the result is very similar, I personally like it Much more than the original.

This time I had a very special click, my 13-year-old sister came to spend the day with us to help us prepare kitchens, she had such a good time that she repeated the next day and we were decorating cookies with real icing. I didn't take pictures because I was so worried about teaching him to delineate the cookie correctly that I didn't even think it could be a post to teach you how to prepare decorated cookies. I promise it will be one of the next posts.

To make crunch we need

  • 120 g whole wheat crackers
  • 60 g luster sugar (or icing sugar)
  • 150 g of ordinary chocolate
  • 120 g butter or margarine
  • Colored cocolatines (Lacasitos type)

Necessary material

  • A large bowl and a small bowl
  • A sieve
  • A saucepan
  • A wooden spoon
  • A block mold
  • A knife

How to prepare crunch with children

  1. We put the wholemeal cookies in the bowl and crumble them with our hands. Let this step be done by them, they will have a great time smashing the cookies. I recommend that you weigh them before and after crumbling them, you run the risk of being eaten during the process.
  2. We sift the luster sugar and add it to the cookie crumbs.
  3. We split the chocolate into pieces and put them in a bowl along with the butter.
  4. We heat it to the water bath over low heat filling the saucepan with water and placing the chocolate bowl on top without touching the water.
  5. We pour the mixture of chocolate and melted butter over the cookie crumbs, stirring everything with the wooden spoon.
  6. We grease the square mold (if you want you can put greased baking paper in the bottom, so the chocolate will come out more easily). Pay attention not to forget to grease the corners of the mold.
  7. We pour the mixture over the greased mold and squeeze well with the spoon so that it is flat.
  8. Let stand in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
  9. We take the pasta out of the mold and make some squares with the help of a knife (they don't have to be perfect, in fact they are more homemade if we split them with our hands).
  10. We decorate each dice with a Lacasito.

Video: Kids Cook. Frozen Treats. Chocolate Crunch Cups (July 2024).