A girl is visited by a mouse, but her name is not Pérez

Thousands of children wait at night, when they have lost a tooth, the visit of the Little Mouse Perez, who takes the fallen tooth in exchange for a coin or present. It is a mouse that does not scare anyone, not even children, who believe in it, and who has much in common with the mouse that visited Lolly a few days ago, a girl of 16 months, who came to bite.

The girl slept peacefully with her twin brother when she suddenly started crying. The mother heard her by the monitor and went to attend her to avoid waking her brother. Seeing that he did not calm down, he uncovered it and realized that his hand was full of blood.

He was surprised at not being able to find an explanation for such bleeding, so he decided to contact a nurse by phone for help. At that precise moment, while talking to her, she suddenly saw the mouse running around the floor of the room. She yelled at her husband who, by opening the door of the room, allowed the culprit to leave the children's room.

The mother was petrified to observe then that the mouse had also nibbled the girl's pants that, poor thing, had not lost any teeth, nor received any prize from the visit of the mouse, but rather a punishment in the form of a bite.

The father recorded the mouse with his cell phone circling his house and then, outside, in the garden. The experts, who have disinfected the house and set traps to avoid a new attack, do not explain how he could enter the house or how he got to the children's room.

I hope the girl, the day I really lose a tooth, don't be afraid to leave it under the pillow. I suppose that everything will depend on how much the parents remember the episode, because at 16 months it is possible that at five or six years, when the first tooth falls, he will no longer remember it.