Tips for traveling with children this Christmas

From travel with children To travel without them, there is a big difference. When we travel with our children, we want them to learn and develop their exploratory and adventurous vein.

For the trip on the road with children, something that probably many of you carry out this Christmas, it is important that we plan with a little time and think well what activities we have designed for them. The first thing to think about is that it will be a rewarding experience for everyone.

Tips for traveling with children

You can make a library on your mp3 with stories for children, in iTunes you can find some very good and well priced.

It is very important that during the trip we pause so that children can stretch their legs and run around for a while, we have to think that neither children nor we are designed to be still for too long unless we are sleeping.

Renewing our music during travel is a good idea to keep us all distracted during long journeys.

Road games
We can think of games to do in the car that will not distract the driver, this one that we proposed a few months ago with questions for your children can be a fun option.

Family objects
Remember to take with you some important objects for your children, a stuffed animal, a blanket ... I also advise you to bring a cooler with drinks and snacks during the trip.

A good option would be not to carry books during your trip, you can visit the bookstore that is in your destination and buy some new ones.

Warm clothing
Needless to say, you have to wear appropriate clothes for the place of vacation where we go, although it is something that we should take into account: rain boots, gloves, hats, scarves ... Oh and you can wear old scarves and hats in case you want to make a doll of snow!

Do you have any advice to reconnect us on our trips with children?

Video: Tips for Traveling Over Christmas (July 2024).