Highlights in Babies and more: from November 26 to December 2

We start week and start month, the last of this year 2012, and as every Monday we bring you Highlights in Babies and more from the previous week.

We started by reviewing the last tips of our Special Pregnancy Care, where we could see when to start exercising during pregnancy and we tried to answer the 10 most frequently asked questions about sex in pregnancy.

We have also added new content to our Christmas Special where, among many other very interesting things, we can find a letter for Santa Claus exclusive of Babies and more, an advent calendar to make at home with toilet paper rolls or how to make paper Wrap for Christmas presents.

We present an experiment to illustrate that obedience is dangerous in children and we explain what "black pedagogy" is. We've also tried to know what the ad will be that calms 96% of babies.

We were fortunate to be able to speak with Eloísa López, of Culitos de Tela, who told us that "it is not necessary to be a superwoman to wear cloth diapers" and we have also known that children's rights do not disappear when they enter the hospital.

Finally, in the Happy Learning Space we could see Five apps for baby learning, in addition to finding a small help for the wise men the best toys for six to nine months, without forgetting our children and their first visit to the children's library To discover the magic of stories.

And this is, for today, the review of Featured content in Babies and more of the last seven days. This week we will be loaded with new developments that, hopefully, are to your liking.

Video: WingsOfRedemption Deletes Red Dead 2. Finds Rogue Mod. Fallout 76 Stream Highlights 14th November (July 2024).