How to choose the best toy for children?

Christmas, Three Wise Men and children form an indissoluble whole that cannot be missed (should not) toys as gifts, and the illusion in abundant doses. Do you have doubts about the requirements that the toy to buy must meet?

The Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers wants to help us with these recommendations:

Take into account the child's moment of development and skills

Between six and ten years, you can read, draw, write, count, even create imaginary worlds

They are attracted to television, reading, new technologies, outdoor games, collections. They are passionate about sports, competitions and begin to behave more individually. What prevails at this stage are the electronic, audiovisual, strategy and reflection games, sports equipment, models and mechanics.

From the age of twelve it occurs a crucial moment in child development. It is when you play more in a group, you compete, you collaborate. The gang of friends becomes the main reference.

Here, more than ever, communication between parents and children is essential, creating strong ties that strengthen future relationships. It is necessary that adults share games with their children, know them and understand why they find them attractive. They must strive to look at the world from their eyes to get closer to their interests and their surroundings.

For more peace of mind ... 'safe toys'

Always consider the recommendations that ensure the correct use of the toy, with the safety of children as a fundamental objective. These 10 tips will be very useful when choosing safe toys:

The time of purchase:

  • It is essential read all toy tagging. We must take into account safety recommendations and take them to the letter. No toys are bought without the CE marking!

  • Products must be purchased in stores or online stores of trust. The responsible businesses take care of the products they sell. Unreliable businesses tend to ignore safety requirements and may also offer counterfeit toys.

A new toy at home:

  • Follow the assembly and use instructions of the toy carefully. Keep the instructions in a safe place. It is not advisable to modify the characteristics of the toy.

  • Let's take some time to discard and separate the containers for recycling, as well as the batteries. Plastic bags are not toys and can cause suffocation!

We play?

  • A baby under 36 months can not just play with a toy that contains small parts.

  • Parents, moms, uncles and grandparents can spend some time supervising the child's play, to ensure that toys are used in the manner indicated, including bicycles and skates that cannot be used without protections.

  • Regularly examining toys will avoid more than one scare, so we can eliminate broken parts and check the wear. Broken toys must be thrown away.

  • An accident at the foot of a staircase is the same as an accident (and it may be that with serious consequences), the passing areas are also not good places to store these precious gifts.

Finally remember (and put into practice if necessary) that if we detect failures in the safety of toys we should communicate them to the trade as well as to the manufacturer and authorities (consumer offices) to act properly.

We want to see a smile in the mouths of children when they open their gift, but we also hope that smile does not become crying because of an accident, right?

Video: Kid Picks Between A Family Cruise. . Or A Toy Car. What Would Your Kid Do? (July 2024).