Do your children write a letter to the Kings or do they prefer surprises? the question of the week

As every Wednesday comes the section of the question of the week. We are going to ask you a question in the Babies answers section and more and we will invite you to answer it for a week. Next Wednesday we will collect the most valued answers, as we are going to do now with those of last week.

Our question this week, already a few days away from the most magical night of the year is this:

Do your children write a letter to the Kings or do they prefer surprises?

My son, for example, prefers surprises. In his father's house he usually delivers a letter to Santa, but in our house, he leaves it at the discretion of the Kings.

Last week's question

The last week's question What was the objective of Education? and Anamare's most valued response:

Education should favor the development of boys and girls in all aspects of their person, both cognitively, physically, socially, morally ... As the previous answers say so that they become happy, full people. I do not like the preamble of the Wert Reform that only mentions economic and productivity aspects. Around me there are many people who do not give me anything in the economic or material and for me they are of great value for what they give me in the emotional, emotional, social plane: for their wise advice, for their support in difficult times … Education cannot focus on the “professional facet”, life is much more and children must also be helped to grow in love, in peace, in respect, in trust…

We remind you that our question for this week is now available in the Baby Answers section and more and we invite you to vote and answer on that link so that we can take into account your participation.