One of those gifts that you are glad to have bought: Sing and jump, popular children's songs

These past parties we hit right with a gift that we did not think would be so successful. Is about "Sing and Jump: popular children's songs", a box that includes a rope, a CD of songs for children and a booklet with the lyrics.

Apart from that it is a gift that children, the older ones, from four or five years of age can share to learn to jump rope and for all those lifelong songs that they love: "The patio of my Home "," Let it rain, let it rain "," I am the queen of the seas "," Under a button "...

They are the typical skipping songs, plus some that I at least did not know but are very funny, like "A Pedro, how bald" or "Playing hide and seek." Songs for the rope and for the bathroom, for the car, on the way to school ...

The theme of the rope and the little book takes advantage of my oldest daughter, who already makes her first steps jumping and reading. but also the little girl likes to see the notebook with the lyrics of the songs, and for her we make a "light" version of the rope, making it meander between two people and she who has to jump without touching the rope.

The fact is that children have a lot of fun with the songs and exercising with the rope, a perfect complement. Undoubtedly one of those gifts that are not yet cornered and that seems not to be in a long time.

The "Sing and jump" box with the rope, the booklet with the lyrics and the CD of popular children's songs It costs around 10 euros and is from Dinova Games. Of course, prepare to be continuously asked for the songs and sing them at any time ...

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