The blog for families of children allergic to milk: My menu without milk

According to the Spanish Association of Food and Latex Allergy, cow's milk protein allergy (APLV) ranks third in allergic pathologies (behind egg and fish). It is usually the first allergy that occurs in the population, because the introduction of this food in infants is earlier than the other two.

I think that parents who face this situation for the first time should be confused and disoriented, in addition to with a need to gather information to help your child.

This blog that I found referenced in Babies and More is very complete and dynamic (quality to value). His name is My menu without milk. It comes to cover a necessary space on the Internet, because in addition to being made by the mother of an allergic, it contains informational material, tips, recipes without milk, and even an advisory service. For parents who start in the APLV, and for others who have some more experience, Silvia collects in this space all their concerns, the large amount of information collected, and their experience of three years, and makes them available to everyone. This mother has a degree in Journalism and has worked in various media, so she perfectly dominates the art of transmitting knowledge.

From here I intend, not only to spread cow's milk protein allergy in children, but to create social awareness and provide support to those families that are living this food allergy

Without a doubt 'My menu without milk' is destined to become a Useful Guide through which families with children allergic to milk will feel safer.

Other sections that I found super interesting, are allergies in society, with many contents dedicated to the treatment of APLV in the child's school stage, and allergy-free trips / trips. You will also find a compilation of the 'brands without milk', necessary as the most.

Silvia says that 'Having an allergic child, suffering with him and learning by his side gives you a much broader knowledge than any book can offer'. And I tell you that this blog is intended to occupy a very important part of the information about the APLV in the network.

Video: Top 10 Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding (July 2024).