Blue balloons for World Autism Awareness Day

Tomorrow April 2 is celebrated on World Autism Awareness Day and ASPAU (Association Project Autism), an Association of Parents of Valencia, proposes a campaign to decorate the balconies or windows with blue balloons.

A symbolic gesture that can help make this disorder more visible on which it weighs a lot of misunderstanding and ignorance. Tomorrow will be a key date, worldwide, to raise awareness of autism spectrum disorders and claim greater social and institutional support for families with an autistic member.

In addition, in order to spread the World Autism Awareness Day, Aspau has launched a photo contest on its Facebook page. From today until April 8 you can share on the wall of Aspau the photographs (without additions or digital touch-ups) of the balconies or windows adorned with blue balloons (or illuminated blue).

Another of the activities to raise awareness about autism It will take place tonight at 8 pm next to the Umbracle (where I was walking a few days ago), in the City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia. You have to go dressed in blue to attend the blue lighting on the west side of the Science Museum and the Umbracle. It will certainly be a beautiful show ... and for a good cause.

Video: Blue balloons released at St Dominics Newcastle for World Autism Awareness Day (July 2024).