Pregnant in summer, all are advantages

There are many people who, seeing a very pregnant woman in the middle of August, take pity on her and how bad she must be going through the heat, swelling of her feet and all those little discomforts that are associated with an advanced state of pregnancy in summer. What these people don't know is that being pregnant in summer are all advantages. Or almost.

This will be the third summer that happened very pregnant. In addition, according to the kind clerk of a maternity clothing store, my pregnancy counts as a twin, get to the idea of ​​the dimensions of my once turgid abdomen. My first daughter was born in August, the fourth in September and, if all goes well, the fifth will also be born in September. Believe me if I tell you that I find many advantages over the two winter pregnancies I lived with my second and third daughter.

The heat is very democratic

It is true that heat is passed and that, if one is prone to low blood pressure during pregnancy, it is very difficult to detach from the hammock. That is precisely one of the advantages, take advantage of the holidays to rest before the baby is born. In addition, to whom we are going to deceive, to forty degrees in the shade heat is passed with or without gut.

Summer is ideal to save on fabric

Also thanks to the heat we need less pregnant clothes for the last months when it is more difficult to reuse clothes before pregnancy. A few loose dresses with the cut on the chest make us manage divinely and save us the pneumatic doll moment that has affected us to suffer winter mothers in cold countries.

On the beach all cats are brown

A bulging gut is the ideal complement to hide those extra kilos that have settled in the hips, and the perfect excuse to take all the ice cream in the world without looking back. It is much more difficult to face the summer in the middle of the puerperium, pregnant women we are all very dignified with those swimsuits so ideal that our collaborators have chosen so that we look gut and type this summer.

Against the heat fresh fruit

And salads, many salads. All pregnant women know how important it is to eat well, eat the relevant fruit and vegetable rations, lots of fish and enough dairy and liquids. Foods all much more palatable in summer than in winter when sauces, fats and heavy meals attract our attention powerfully.

Without getting off the hammock

Nothing better to alleviate the swelling of feet than to put them up. We must take advantage while we sunbathe peacefully. We have the perfect excuse, rest by optional prescription. The same applies when we feel like a nap in the middle of the afternoon.

Alternating these breaks with walks along the shore, in addition to some slender ankles, we will wear a flattering tan to leave with a good face in the first photos with our brand new sprouts.

If with all this the edema does not remit, we will always have the comfort of being able to spend the summer in flip flops.

Tailored sport

Almost all recommended activities during pregnancy are more accessible and enjoyable in summer. Swimming and walking at discretion will make us arrive in childbirth in full form and with an enviable brunette.

Following these simple tips will not deny me that being pregnant in summer are all advantages.

Yes, let's never forget to drink a lot of water. Fundamental to be well hydrated on the hottest days.