Traveling with children: the train

A good means of transport for travel with children is the train. They are fast, comfortable and give us a plus by having a fairly acceptable space so that our children do not feel like canned sardines. If we talk about long distance journeys and if we have bought the tickets with some advancement, the savings can be important. They do not present the restrictions of the airplanes as far as luggage is concerned, although it is convenient not to put half of the cabinets of house in the trunk.

Many of them have table areas that we can reserve to be able to take the kids entertained very comfortably during the trip (blessed tablets). And we can find the cafeteria wagon to drink something or heat milk, purees or whatever it takes. Making our experience of travel with children on the train.


And so you go quietly traveling to your destination, exchanging stories with games, mobile, sings games, etc. a whole deployment that many leisure centers already wanted, when the older one drops the phrase: ¡¡¡I become piiiiiis!!! In a tone that not only has been heard by the rest of the car but you are sure that the reviewer will soon appear to see what you are doing. And you let go of the typical useless question, because you already know the answer. -Can't you stand it? - No Hold on, how far? If you are three hundred kilometers from your destination, do you really think it will hold on until you arrive? If even you are unable to endure!

If you are lucky enough to travel accompanied, you just have to shoot with the meon leaving the rest of the offspring on the site, but if that is not your case, then, you have a small problem. You cannot leave non-migrants in the care of one of your seatmates, in fact it is that There are some who would not leave a pitbul. The magazines and stories can stay, but the rest of electronic devices or of coña. So you quickly start storing the laptop and recover your mobile from the hands of the little one, with the consequent disgust of it that of course neither understands nor shares why he has to run out of fun when it is his brother who pees. And he does not lack reason, the truth.

But at this time it is not time to talk but to run, and that is what you do… straight to the bathroom!

The bathrooms

The baths in trains and airplanes are a singular world; about the size of a doll box, in which some being with zero notions of space and a lot of free time has tried to put inside all the comforts of the bathroom of the Paris Hilton suite and of course, although the monkey is dressed silk…

If it is already complicated to move in that cabin by yourself, imagine doing it with an infant that is about to overflow and another one who in no hurry is dedicated to touching everything he catches and put his hand in each of the holes he sees . And so begins the first of your sessions of contortionism and juggling of the trip. With one hand you take out the little one, who does not know how but has managed to put half a body in the bin, while with the other you try to unfasten the pants of the older one who does not stop jumping and turning on himself, you curse the time in that you decided to put a 7 buttons instead of the sweatpants. At the end you give up the buttons and lower your pants by the pull method. At that moment you have not been there for 10 seconds and you are sweating as if you were in a Turkish bath (the temperature is really quite similar).

All of the above you do while the three of you swing from one wall to another and with all this you must convince the elder that there is no danger in sitting, and that yes, that you hold him so he does not fall off the train. I do not advise you to do it standing up if you do not want to change all three of your clothes, in the end you may want to piss more than fear and agree to perch on the cup just at the precise moment when the child discovers the button that empties and pulls the chain into a scare of death to everyone. The few reflections you have left are enough to prevent the older one from falling headlong into that colored liquid and to hold the child's hand before he returns with the moviola. After another ten endless seconds the urgency is over and of course, now it is up to the older one to explore the bathroom.


And the toilet paper ?. Your instinct is shouting at you, you know it was there when you entered, and you know that you're late; For when you turn to see what the little one has done, you check, but without knowing very well how he has done it in that space, that he has managed to mummify his body half.

Finally you leave the bathroom, they are running and you are soaked in sweat, with half a diaper roll coming out of the back pocket and face of How much is left to arrive?

An adventure over travel with children on the train.