Native digital children and analog grandparents

The technological development that we have experienced in the last 30 years, has never been seen since the first tool was used.

In the field of technology, the generational leap among our children, digital natives and analog grandparents by birth, it is a huge gap.

We are used to the technology around us. We do not even realize our dependence until we run out of battery, we make the purchase online, we reserve vacations, we talk with our loved ones while we see them, we check the agenda of the Infant School to which we take our son, we read our favorite blogs anywhere, etc.

We can even take our whole lives in a 13x7 box and a few millimeters thick. We don't know why they work, all we need to know is how they work and how we can do with a better one than our neighbor's.

Technology came to stay

Everything is connected and seems to have been like this forever, but it hasn't been that way. Do you remember when we went out for the whole afternoon without a mobile? And nothing happened! I am now going down to the corner Chinese for bread, because as I left my mobile at home I get cold sweats ... How many fights we have given our parents for having a mobile and not take it with them or take it off ... or by don't catch it!

There are times when we grow up among LEDs, batteries and remote controls, we find it difficult to understand new technologies, so imagine what can be for someone who has lived all this almost from the barrier.

The adaptation

It is true that there are many people who do it right away and are able to handle any 2.0 pot in a couple of days, but there are those for whom it is an odyssey and who usually does not see the same utility as us to "those ipos, or aipost or whatever they are called "

And it seems that when something is useful for us it already has to be for the rest of the world. Look dad, I bought you an ebook. - Look dad, I bought you an ebook. - And what do I want it for? - To read the books - And how do I put my books into something so small? And they don't bend here? - You try it, you'll see - If this doesn't smell. Is not the same

It is clear that technology helps us in our day to day, but not everything technological helps the same people equally

Digital natives

It is not that they carry in their genes how to handle mom's mobile. It is simply the time that has touched them and they just have to observe to repeat the operation again and again until they perfect it. And they make it so simple because they don't have a path already learned like their grandparents, they simply choose a new one. Although between you and me, the other day I caught the little one trying to change the TV channel in the same way he changes the image on the tablet.

Do digital native children and analog grandparents teach each other? Is it an insurmountable abyss?

A little humor to finish

Here is a small example and without the intention of offending anyone, how not everyone understands these "gossip" in the same way that our children do