"It's about capacity": the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, for Children

Sometimes society ignores that children and adults with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is an international agreement which demands that governments around the world promote and defend the rights of persons with disabilities.

The guide "It's about capacity" It is a publication that explains to the children the Convention the rights of people with disabilities. Its main objective is to promote the autonomy of children with and without disabilities, so that they can play their role in the fight against discrimination and in promoting the principles of the Convention.

This publication was created by and for children with the purpose of explaining the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the reasons for its creation and the ways in which persons with disabilities can be helped to enjoy rights. that correspond to them.

A simple guide, 21 pages, available in several languages, which we can read online to the little ones or download to our computer. The project was launched and edited by UNICEF, with the support of Save the Children from the United Kingdom and Sweden, as well as the organizers of the Olympic Games for the Disabled.

The guide inspired the name of the successful campaign we talked about a few days ago to integrate children with disabilities. And it is also a way to help spread the message of inclusion, to help ensure that children with disabilities enjoy the same opportunities to achieve their goals than the other children.

The document includes a summary of the 50 articles that make up the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (approved in 2006) and an explanation of the reasons why this international agreement was drawn up.

Here we can find out about the rights and responsibilities we all share, and about the steps and measures that governments can take to help children with disabilities enjoy their rights.

The guide "It's about Capacity" reminds us to adults and children that the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities it is necessary, that it must be ratified and fulfilled, and it helps to understand disability to those who have felt excluded on occasion for their particular qualities.

Official Site | Unicef ​​In Babies and more | "It's about capacity", a successful campaign to promote the inclusion of disabled children, The State of the World's Children 2013: Girls and Boys with Disabilities, Different: Illustrated guide for children on diversity and disability