"It's about capacity", a learning guide on the inclusion of people with disabilities

A few days ago we talked about a guide for children on the Rights of people with disabilities, and we have found a parallel publication that offers lesson plans and activities that can be used by parents or educators in order to spread these rights.

The purpose of this "learning guide" It is to complement the previous publication, a material also prepared by UNICEF, under the direction of the Child Protection Section, with the support of the Unit for the development and participation of adolescents.

The purpose of the activities proposed by the guide on human rights is to provide children and young people with disabilities with the necessary tools so that they can express their opinion about the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, defend their rights and make their communities more inclusive.

The guide can be downloaded in pdf. and it is designed for group activities, especially with children, so it is a reading for adults to prepare this way to learn about disability.

I think it is important that children, with and without disabilities, and whether or not they have people with disabilities in their environment, know that there are other children with certain differences but who must be accepted and integrated into society, who have the same rights as children. the rest.

The document deals with very curious aspects, such as disability in the different vital phases, advice for the inclusion of people ... and units with different activities are distinguished. These activities indicate objectives, necessary materials, duration ...

Definitely, the learning guide on the inclusion of people with disabilities It will help parents and educators who want to work with children to develop different activities for that purpose.

Official Site | Unicef ​​In Babies and more | Disabled children