Return (or not) to recover the figure after delivery

We have had nine months to see how our body changes little by little, until the moment the baby is born. Then, we suddenly face a new body, which we do not recognize, because it is neither the pregnancy nor the one we had before pregnancy. Let's talk about return (or not) to recover the figure.

Although we are accustomed to seeing in the media recent moms who are miraculously thin and great after childbirth in a short time, this is not usual, it is probably not the healthiest thing either.

Let's see how to recover the figure after childbirth, taking into account the cases in which this is not possible (or at least, not at all) and also those cases in which one can not be as before being a mother and how to deal with them naturally.

Let us keep in mind that each woman is different, and some will take very little time to recover, others will take more time and effort, some women will not look the same as before and there will even be those who do not care at all for their body, which can also have its negative side. We will analyze the issue from different points of view.

Breastfeeding and calm to recover the figure after childbirth

The first thing we should know is that the immediate postpartum It is not the right time to consider these issues. Surely your baby needs maximum attention and the body is not prepared to start a regimen, to count calories or to exercise. Let's wait a little.

And hopefully, not on the issue of exercise, but on the diet, if the baby is breastfeeding. Dieting while breastfeeding, especially an uncontrolled diet, could impair the passage of nutrients to the baby through milk. And it is that during pregnancy and lactation the physiological demands of many nutrients increase, "and we cannot make a restricted diet that could affect the nutritional needs of this stage.

We must also remember that among innumerable benefits of breastfeeding for the baby and for the mother is to help her recover her figure: not breastfeeding for aesthetic reasons does not make much sense since the chest does not fall for it.

The WHO points out that breastfeeding helps women recover their pre-pregnancy weight more quickly and reduces obesity rates, so if we want to recover our figure, without haste, enjoy prolonged breastfeeding. And we will accompany it with something else.

Nutrition and exercises, the key

Food and physical activity constitute a tandem when it comes to speaking in a good way, not only in childhood, but at any vital stage. We have just seen that during the months after childbirth, breastfeeding mothers have to feed properly, but not only them. Any woman has to take care of what she eats, which does not mean, as we have just said, to go on a diet.

Poor food can produce deficiencies that weaken us and cause illness. A bad diet can make us fat. In our menu you should not miss foods rich in calcium, iron, omega-3, iodine, fiber ... Fruit and vegetables, every day and generously. And of course good hydration: water is our ally to lose weight.

Therefore, in any case In the postpartum period, the diet must be balanced and must be combined with physical activity.. In our Special Postpartum Beauty we will return to a topic as capital as the exercise after childbirth.

We have changed, let's accept it

In this section I talk about accepting ourselves, not resigning ourselves. Accept our new body as something beautiful, who accept around us, which our partner likes, which is a different body but no less beautiful. Let's get rid of conventional (current) canons where curves don't fit.

The real bodies of mothers have little to do with those of magazines, we must know that we share our characteristics with many other women and that we should not be ashamed.

Of course, let's look for our health at the same time. Stretch marks or a few extra pounds are not incompatible with being healthy. And the previous point, that of good nutrition and that of exercise practice, are still necessary. Everything will mean that we don't lack self-esteem, and that we continue to share time with our baby and with our family, being happier and more comfortable, 100%.

Retrieving the figure after delivery is not a priority, but little by little we can get it If we wish so. The priority is to be healthy and take care of the baby at this vital stage of its development, but this is not incompatible, as we say, with good maternal health and being comfortable with the same. Who knows if many models that appear very thin after delivery would sign for feeling better with them and their babies ...

Photos | various brennemans, Christy Scherrer and Suedehead on Flickr In Babies and more | Do mothers eat properly during breastfeeding ?, What do you think of the "special mothers pack" of Dermoesthetic Corporation ?, Recover the figure after childbirth: How to treat stretch marks

Video: How I Got My Body Back After Baby (July 2024).