"Anita Pelosucio" returns to Nave 73: a story about feelings and relationships between children and adults

Anita Pelosucio is eight years old, and does not want to wash her hair; too He is the protagonist of the children's play "Anita Pelosucio", which will be in Nave 73 (Madrid) from November 2 (during the weekends of next month - except Saturday 15 -). Those responsible for this fantastic and endearing family work are Cantera Producciones.

The story of this Anita, is a story about feelings, affection, and relationships between the child world and the adult world, which takes us from the hand of its protagonist, to a family that invites us to participate in their relationships, convicts, day to day, and feelings. Anita Pelosucio sees a family where girls and boys have a voice, think and try to clarify problems and contradictions that come from adults who try to protect them from issues as complicated to deal with as death.

The work has been performing in the schools of Castilla la Mancha, and after reaping successes when scheduled for the first time in Nave 73, we can enjoy it again, for 10 euros (adults) / 6 euros (children). Reservations are formalized through this email: [email protected], and in Atrápalo.

The functions are at 12.30 pm.

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