A baby survives 15 weeks in the dead mother's womb due to cerebral hemorrhage

The human body is an incredible machine, the most perfect machine that exists in nature and capable of performing amazing feats. One of those feats is what happened a few months ago in Hungary, when the force to survive a new life has joined science and what many people call a miracle has taken place. And is that A baby has survived 15 weeks in the dead mother's womb due to cerebral hemorrhage.

The miracle

It happened last July in the Medical center of the University of Debrecen, Hungary. A baby was born by caesarean section 15 weeks after his mother had died due to a stroke.

At first the doctors tried to keep the mother alive, until brain death occurred. The next day The doctors saw that the baby was moving and kept alive. It is here when the fight to save the baby's life and keep him inside as long as possible began.

The mother was connected to a life support machine that maintained the blood supply and ensured that the baby was still receiving the necessary nutrients. Thus The doctors managed to keep his body "alive" while the baby was still developing.

The baby's father and his grandmothers came every day, they talked to him and caressed his gut, also an expert in music therapy I visited them every week to stimulate the baby.

The doctors had to fight against several infections that threatened the viability of the baby and had to move the mother to prevent the appearance of bedsores. In week 27 and the blood rhythm of his mother's body began to fail and the doctors decided that the time had come to take the baby out because the uterus was no longer a safe place.

Two days later he was born with a weight of half a kilo, but healthy and with great chances of survival. The doctors had achieved a miracle, had kept a baby safe and sound for more than 15 weeks until he could fend off and survive outside the womb.

Something like this has only been reported on three previous occasions, but this case is more special, if possible, since several organs of the mother were donated, including her heart.

The family has decided to remain anonymous and we only know that the baby is out of danger. A survivor from the gut who was lucky to find a great medical team. He will never compensate for losing his mother, but I am sure that love will not be lacking.

Miracle or a real stroke of luck?