Babies highlights and more: December 23-29

It is our last weekly summary of the year, and as every Monday, we review the most outstanding contents that we have published in the blog during the past week.

Christmas continues to mark our present. We have taught you more light recipes for pregnant women to enjoy the Christmas table without excess. All delicious. A cream of mascarpone and mango and some crispy scarves of vegetables and mushrooms.

We continue with our selection of the best posts of 2013, we tell you that Christmas holidays are a good time to conceive and a curious news: a father records 90,000 hours of video of his son to know how he learns to speak.

It should not be news, but we tell you that while many are horrified, Pope Francis encourages a woman to breastfeed in public.

We also show you a gift that can be a success among parents a search engine for lost keys.

There has been a lack of party fashion for children at low-cost prices and the brightest maternity clothes to say goodbye to the year as it deserves.

We ended the week with the innocent of 2013: The Government of Spain studies applying a fee for breastfeeding over four months. We hope we have pulled you a smile.