Disguise your brush child at Carnival, what is original?

It's finishing Valentine's Day and start preparing for Carnival, although some years coincide because the date of the Carnivals 'dances' according to when Holy Week is celebrated.

We have a few weeks left and we must start thinking about our costume, and that of the kids. The children are growing and you can no longer dress them as Dracula, Princess, Pirate, Peter Pan, Indian, Hawaiian / etc, it is time to innovate ... and look what I found there. Randi, from his craft and DIY blog (Dukes & Duchesses), can be the inspiration for many fathers and many mothers with demanding children.

As you have seen in the photo it is about A brush costume !, very clever, of course. And easier than you think: the boy or the girl is dressed in black or dark brown (his body is the handle of the brush), and the rest:

  • Silver cardboard, thick broom bristles, some porexpan, white glue, contact glue, cardboard and wide seam rubber.

The cardboard is cut taking into account the cranial perimeter (The height should be about 15 or 20 centimeters) and the ends are stapled, then cut the porexpan in a circular shape so that its size matches the inside of the circumference of the first.

The bristles are nailed one by one (after having separated them from the broom), and they are adjusted with glue and once formed the brush, the base sticks to (calculate) about 8 centimeters from the top of the cardboard. You can use strong glue or hot silicone, although this last option I consider unnecessary, besides it could spoil the cardboard.

For the palette you only need a piece of cardboard (you ask for an empty box in the store or supermarket), draw on it a painter's palette (length 60/70 centimeters) and paint the surface with white acrylic paint, once it dries, you paint the colors as you see in the photo.

A wide rubber (three or four cm) placed on the back and securely fastened with a seal, will act as a handle to hold the palette without difficulties.

And you already have the costume, you will succeed!

Video: Blippi Painting Giveaway. Learn Colors With Paint (July 2024).