Moms bloggers: Bethlehem visits us, from Mamá without complexes

Yesterday was Mother's Day, the day that most celebration deserves in Babies and more and, following the initiative that we started a few days ago, today we are going to interview another mom who authored a blog.

For today we have Belen, responsible for the blog Mama without complexes.

Belén has a 7-year-old son he calls Rayo, for being Rayo McQueen's number one fan when he started the blog. So fan was that they lost count of the times they watched the movie Cars. She has been married for almost 14 years and her family is completed with three cats. She is a fan of yoga, alternative therapies and chocolate (and who doesn't?). He has studies in Psychology, but does not exercise beyond specific and selfless help and works as freelance in the world of communication.

What led you to start a blog?

"Motherhood has taught me to listen to my wildest side, that of instinct, that of 'the woman who runs with the wolves'"

I was encouraged to write a blog when my son was 2 years old. I was looking for answers and I discovered a reduced and intimate maternal blogosphere. Those intense 2 years of a child with a strong character made my foundations falter. I needed reinforcement, support and a droplet of understanding. And what I found around me were critical to my upbringing, unsolicited trials and much arrogance. I wanted to know if I was really wrong and in the blogging mothers I found the best shelter. And I decided to join them, creating my own space, my own refuge.

Now it is I who receives comments of the type: "exactly the same thing happens to me, what a relief to see that I am not the only one, thanks for sharing your experience." And that fills me with joy, to see that something as natural as telling your day to day with your child can help other women. And then a Tribe was born, and I feel very proud to belong to it.

What has the blog contributed to you?

The blog began as a need for reinforcement and support. Then it became a space where we sat down to discuss the issues that mothers were interested in at the time. And now it's almost like a therapy. It comforts me to write and share. I feel happy to have my 2.0 piece to talk about what I want and especially to tell how my son is growing. At the same time, it is a beautiful blog, a diary that I would love for my son to read when he is older.

And of course, thanks to the blog I have been able to approach great people who have taught me a lot, I have been able to meet wonderful women who share my day to day. The blog has been a real revolution on many levels: emotional, personal and even work.

If someone asked you about having children or not, would you say that…

I would tell him to be guided by his instinct. There are people who think that for this to have children "we must be prepared" and I think that is not exactly that, because we confuse "being prepared" with economic or social issues, and we leave aside the most important part of this equation, That is the emotional. Motherhood has taught me to listen to my wildest side, that of instinct, that of "the woman who runs with the wolves." And I confess that it is one of the aspects that I like most about myself today. So yes, I would undoubtedly tell you to be guided by your instinct.

A moment of your life with your children that you will never forget?

I could not keep a single moment, in 7 years of motherhood there are so many special moments. The day he was born for example, I remember the happiness and serenity that invaded me, the intense emotion I felt when I saw him for the first time. Or when he crawled around the house and chased me with his stingy smile. Or the first day of school, talking on the elbows with his rag tongue and his voice of whistle. The first time he managed to swim without a float. Or his first flute concert. There are unforgettable moments, it is impossible to stay with only one.

What would you like your children to tell you on Mother's Day?

I would like you to tell me that Mother's Day is every day. And to tell me with a kiss :)

We thank Belen, of Mom without complexes, who has dedicated a little time to explain more about his life, his son and his blog, for our Special Moms Bloggers.