What are the normal pulsations of babies and children?

Surely it happens to you often that you take your baby or your boy or girl if he is older, after crying or after playing, and it gives you the feeling that the heart goes like a motorcycle when you notice the pulsations in the chest .

Sometimes he hasn't exercised before and we have the same feeling, that they go too fast, that his heart rate is too high. Many people think that, just as children have very low blood pressure compared to ours, the pulsations should also be very low. However it is the opposite. That is why we are going to answer the question today: What are the normal pulsations of a baby?

Surely during pregnancy, if you put the monitor to listen to the fetal pulse, you got to hear a little heart beat at high speed. Well, those are the pulsations with which they are born, a heart rate that varies from 70 beats per minute (although they are usually over) until 190, and we talk about pulsations at rest. Yes, you read correctly: 190 beats per minute, that is, in every second the heart beats three times. One last.

Then the baby grows and between the month of life and the eleven months the pulsations go from 80 to 160, which are still many for what we are used to. Imagine, if this is at rest, how they can be when they are active. Well, what I have said happens: you take the child, who is so fierce, and you realize, by touching his chest, that his heart is very fast, three times faster than ours.

TO starting the year the pulsations oscillate between 80 and 130past the three years between 80 and 120, from five years between 75 and 115, to the seven years between 70 and 110 and from 10 years from 60 to 100 beats per minute, which are the figures that are considered normal for the entire adult population (except athletes, who by their continuous training end up having resting heart rates between 40 and 60 beats).

So if you see your baby's fontanel beating at an accelerated rate, or if you feel their chest vibrate and you have the feeling that the heart is going to come out at any time, know that it is normal for the heart to go very fast at early ages

When in doubt, you can always calculate the beats per minute at rest and so you will remain calm. For example, count the total keystrokes in 30 seconds and multiply them by two. Or if it's complicated, you take the ones in 20 seconds and multiply by three.

Video: What is a normal heart rate? (July 2024).