Exciting video of the struggle of a premature baby to get ahead

Welker Pruett was born with just over six months of gestation and weighing only half a kilo. The struggle to survive this premature baby, from day one, has been collected in this exciting video We bring you today.

This is a series of photographs that show the 80 days the baby spent in the Neonatology Intensive Treatment Unit at the Forsyth Medical Center in North Carolina (United States).

He was born last April 25, very small and fragile and his parents thought he had to be portrayed from the start. They went to the photographer Deneen Bryan, whose organization Capturing Hopes ("Capturing hopes") captures in images the first days of life of premature babies to humanize the hard hospitalization and that the parents keep a memory.

And, among so many emotions, between intensive medical care, it is normal for parents to have no strength or encouragement to take pictures of babies. So, there they are to procure them.

It was an association that was born after the photographer lost her premature daughter, when she saw that any image she had of her was of great importance.

It's exciting to see the daily life of this premature baby struggling to get ahead, how it grows, its small advances, weight gain, the transition from the incubator to the crib ... and how in the end he is discharged and finally goes home with his parents.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | Exciting video of the first year of life of a premature baby and his mother

Video: Her baby was decapitated during childbirth (July 2024).