Men must also quit smoking before becoming parents

A few years ago, Dr. Praena (coordinator of the Airway Group of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics), told us that the mother's smoking during pregnancy, and her exposure to cigarette smoke, they were related to the appearance of asthma in the child.

It is also known that asthmatic children who are pasive smokers, may suffer more hospital readmissions; and that with a political and social commitment, asthma hospitalizations decrease with Anti-Tobacco Laws.

Well, a paper presented at the Congress of the European Respiratory Society, which is being held in Munich, shows us that parents should also quit smoking (even before conception), since there is a relationship between parental smoking, and an increased risk of asthma.

For the first time, the association between men's smoking and their children's asthma has been studied in humans (when they have not yet been developed)

The risk increased with the sum of years of this habit, and when the habit has been established since before the smoker's 15 years.

Researchers speculate that the key may reside in genetic inheritance, since DNA can be modified in smokers.

They have been researchers at the University of Bergen in Norway, who after analyzing the tobacco-related habits of more than 13,000 men and women, observed this relationship. There is the curious circumstance that the same study has not observed any association between maternal smoking before conception and asthma in children.

The limitations are given as a population study, to which others with greater statistical significance must be added. What is clear is that the damage that tobacco causes to non-smokers is increasingly evident.

Video: AFTER WATCHING THIS , YOU WILL QUIT SMOKING - The Best Advice to Make Someone Quit Smoking (May 2024).