Some parents tattoo their daughter's birthmarks, a nice or absurd gesture?

Many children arrive in the world with rashes or birthmarks. They are more frequent than we think and most tend to disappear as they grow, but apparently the brands of Honey-Rae, an 18-month-old British girl, will accompany her throughout her life.

His parents, Adam and Tanya, did not want their daughter to feel different because the red spots range from her feet to the middle of her back on the right side of her body, so they have made a courageous determination. They decided to tattoo their daughter's birthmarks on their own skin. There are those who may think they have gone too far. Do you think it's a nice gesture or an absurd decision?

The British couple living in Grimsby says they made the decision when they heard a couple whisper about the girl's marks while playing in the park with shorts. They realized that people can become very cruel and have wanted the little girl to see her spots as a virtue and not as a defect. "We want her to feel special and proud and not different and ashamed," they said.

Then Tanya, the mother, did not hesitate for a second. For her 40th birthday, she asked for the tattoo as a gift and also convinced her husband to tattoo his daughter's same marks on her legs in ink for four hours.

The truth is that from what is seen in the photo the spots of the girl are much less noticeable than the tattoos of the parents and if I wanted in the future they could surely be removed with some treatment. But in this case the idea has been to exalt and share them instead of hiding them.

Would you have done the same? I certainly do not. I would have talked to my daughter to make her understand that people can comment what they want, but that she is beautiful no matter how much she was born with those spots. We all have defects, visible or not, and I think we should help our children to accept them. Tomorrow she can choose whether to remove them or not. Do you see it as a nice gesture or as something absurd?