Which thermometer is better to take the temperature to children?

Some more modern arrive, others leave ... but the case is that a thermometer to take the temperature of our children is essential at home. The measurement of body temperature is a basic fact when assessing the health status of children, and today we ask: What thermometer is better to take the temperature to children?

There are different types: digital, infrared ear, plastic strip, pacifier and mercury. The latter, the most classic, are already banned despite their reliability and are not marketed in many countries, as we told you some time ago. Due to the toxicity of the metal with which they are manufactured and if there is a risk to humans, the ecosystem and fauna, together with their fragility and the danger of breakage, the use of mercury thermometers is not recommended.

The best, the digital thermometer

Among the other devices to measure the temperature, it is preferable to use digital thermometers, for its speed of reading, reliability and for not containing contaminating materials. These thermometers contain a thermistor, which is a device, a sensor that varies its electrical resistance depending on the temperature. They are battery operated and can measure oral, axillary or rectal temperature in less than 30 seconds. Warns when it reaches the maximum temperature of the child.

Braun Thermoscan 7 - Professional precision digital ear thermometer on Amazon for € 43.56

In young infants the rectal temperature is usually taken, not forgetting that in this case it is 0.5 degrees Celsius higher than the axillary. In this case, the thermometer must be introduced carefully so as not to cause damage and washed with soap and water after use, following the instructions for use.

Later it is preferable to take it in the armpit, because the rectal temperature bothers them and children can move a lot, with the difficulty that this entails to perform the measurement correctly, and the risk of thermometer breakage. Try to ensure that the thermometer does not come into contact with the child's clothing and that it is as calm and still as possible.

In general, measurement in the mouth is not advised because, although it is reliable, it is less hygienic and we also remember that the temperature in the mouth may vary due to the recent intake of cold or hot liquids or foods.

Digital Thermometer, LiSmile Baby Thermometer, Upper Thermometer with Backlit Display, 10 Memory Data, “Bi” Alarm, Flexible Probe, Three Rectal Oral and Armpit Measurements, Flexible Baby Probe, Child, Adult On Amazon for € 0.00

With respect to measurement time, generally these thermometers indicate with a beep when the maximum temperature of the boy or girl is reached. If they do not indicate it automatically, for the thermometers it is recommended in the rectum and mouth for two minutes and in the armpit four minutes (it is the recommended time with classic methods such as mercury).

Less reliable thermometers

For its part, ear thermometers (some can also be used on the forehead), although they are more comfortable to use, we have already commented that they can give false readings. In some cases, they may not detect fever or detect fever when there is none, such as an ear infection. In the studies carried out there is a lack of agreement when evaluating the results obtained by infrared atrial thermometers.

In any case, if the atrial thermometer is the only one we have at home at the moment, it must be carefully applied to the child's ear so as not to cause damage and not to put a lot of pressure to avoid injuries (nor should it be left loose).

Braun PRT2000 Digital Thermometer with Age Precision On Amazon for € 14.99

The reliability of the other methods (plastic strip thermometers, which are strips or patches of plastic that measure the temperature by color changes; and the pacifier thermometer) is not well established, so its use cannot be recommended to find out if the child has a fever or not.

Recall that both digital and ear thermometers usually work with batteries and that precautions must be taken so that they do not fall into the hands of the girl or the boy, since they are very dangerous. Of course, when they are exhausted, they must be deposited in the place authorized for this purpose.

Childhood fever considerations

Fever is a defense mechanism of our body and, as such, it is not bad in itself. It is a defense mechanism under the control of our "thermostat" that causes our body to increase the temperature to fight infections. So, trying to disappear at the slightest sign is counterproductive, as we have pointed out on many occasions.

We must point out that, as the Spanish Association of Pediatrics points out, fever is defined as a temperature higher than 38 degrees Celsius in the armpit or ear or greater than 38.5 in the rectum. Depending on how high the temperature is, you can talk about fever, moderate fever, high fever and very high fever.

Front Digital Thermometer, CocoBear Infrared Thermometer for Babies and Adults 3 in 1 Basal Thermometer for Body, Surface and Room CE and FDA Certification On Amazon for € 15.99

Fever does not always have to be treated with antipyretic agents and before giving them, you can try to lower the temperature of the baby or child in different ways to relieve it (clear the clothes, ensure correct hydration, maintain a neutral thermal environment ...).

In certain cases it is necessary to go to the Emergency Department for fever, as in the case of babies under three months, if the temperature reaches 40 degrees, if it has been feverish for several days, if it presents certain alarm symptoms (febrile seizures, stiff neck, vomiting ...).

Meanwhile, the first step is have the temperature controlled and to take it in children the best thermometer is the digital, because it is usually very reliable, because it offers the results quickly and does not contain contaminating materials, which have banished the mercury thermometer for these purposes. You, what thermometer do you use at home with your children?

Photos | iStock and Philips Communications on Flickr-CC
More information | AEPAP, Junta de Andalucía
In Babies and more | Forehead and ear thermometers: revolution or failure ?, Recognize if the baby has a touch fever, Kinsa, an intelligent thermometer that connects to your smartphone

Video: How to Use a Mercury Thermometer (July 2024).