They rescue with symptoms of dehydration a 16-month-old baby "forgotten" by her father inside the car

A 16-month-old baby was rescued yesterday from inside a vehicle parked on a street in Madrid with clear signs of dehydration. A neighbor notified the police after checking that there was no adult with her.

The little girl was taken to the Niño Jesús hospital and his father was arrested, charged with a crime of abandonment, after confessing that "he had forgotten to leave his daughter in the nursery".

Three hours abandoned in a car and covered in vomit

According to the newspaper El País, the events occurred on Francisco Pi Y Margall Avenue in the Sanchinarro neighborhood of Madrid. Around 10 in the morning, a neighbor noticed the presence of the baby in the back of a vehicle and after verifying that there was no adult with her, she decided to notify emergency services.

Agents of the National Police and Municipal Police, immediately appeared at the scene and proceeded to break the car window to get the 16-month-old girl, who showed clear signs of dehydration.

The little girl had excessive sweating, had vomited and her breathing was very agitated. After practicing first aid to rehydrate her, she was transferred by Samur to the Niño Jesús Hospital

The police located the owner of the vehicle who turned out to be the father of the baby and who justified himself by saying that "he had forgotten to leave his daughter in the nursery." He also informed the agents that the car It had been parked about three hours earlier.

The man has been arrested on charges of abandonment and brought to justice.

A "forgetfulness" that can be deadly

In full heat wave, the temperature recorded yesterday in Madrid was 37 degrees (temperature that rises vertiginously inside a car). Therefore, from Samur-Civil Protection they call on citizens to become aware of the risks that this type of situation may entail for children.

And, although it seems implausible, this news happens year after year, both in Spain and in other countries. So much so, that there are companies that have designed systems that prevent this type of forgetting by alerting the driver of the presence of the baby when the car stops.

A vehicle parked in the sun becomes, in a few minutes, a dangerous trap. The temperature inside rises very quickly and a child's body quickly reaches 40 degrees. When the internal organs reach 42 degrees, they begin to fail and death can occur.

This dramatic video, broadcast a few years ago in the United States, recreates this situation and shows the irreparable damage that a baby or small child can suffer with just a few minutes of confinement inside a vehicle parked in full sun.

Not in summer, nor in winter. Leaving a child alone inside a car is a tremendous irresponsibility, and we should never have to give this kind of news.

  • Photos | iStock