"Walk alone," chanted his teammates to Nacho, with cerebral palsy, and he succeeded

The courage of children surprises us daily and also what they can achieve with love and support. Today's story touches anyone's heart.

Nacho is an eight year old boy with cerebral palsy. He lives in the town of Bell Ville, in Córdoba (Argentina). And the video where he is seen taking his first steps in class, encouraged by his classmatesto the cry of war "Walk alone", has already been reproduced 340,000 times.

The images speak for themselves. They are a great example of companionship and willpower. Like Iker, Dani, or Manu, a great athlete despite his physical disability.

Nacho is eight years old and is from Bell Ville, Córdoba. He has cerebral palsy, his second-grade classmates encouraged him to walk and he managed to do it. pic.twitter.com/YgphVCdPdB

- Vía Córdoba (@diaadiacomar) September 19, 2018

An example of overcoming

When Ignacio Maujo was born eight years ago he suffered apnea, which interrupted the arrival of oxygen to the brain for a minute. This caused a cerebral palsy that affected his motor skills.

The expectations of the doctors were not very encouraging. According to his mother, Analía, to Todo Noticias:

“The neurologist told us that he would be paralyzed, unable to move, unable to speak. That he wasn't going to be able to do much by his means, but, in eight years, he accomplished a lot. Today, the only thing he can't do (for now) is to walk alone. ”

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In fact, his mother proudly comments:

"The recovery during the last years depends a lot on the commitment of Ignacio and the team of rehabilitators who are already friends of the family. They are three or four hours a day. From 9 in the morning until noon, have lunch, go to school and when he leaves at five, he returns for another hour. His case was taken to congresses in the United States because he had never seen a recovery like his. "

And that despite the fact that the specialists thought that he could not move. But with four months he began with the rehabilitation and against all odds, he began to walk helped by a walker, later with some crutches and for a few days, with a cane. He has many friends and is a boy scout.

And the first thing that Nacho thought when he saw the cane that Diego, his father bought him, and after trying it a bit, was that he wanted his classmates to see how well he was with him. Nacho is fully integrated into the school, is one more.

Classroom Integration

And that's when the video of Nacho was recorded taking his first steps in his classroom at Colegio San José de Bell Ville, in Córdoba (Argentina).

"He was happy and very confident. The boys also lived that moment with great encouragement towards Nacho, respect and love, as always. His companions are his family and when they saw him that he was about to go for a walk they began to sing 'that he walks alone,' walk alone 'while they applauded him. When he took a few steps they began to shout his name, happy that his friend was making it. "

Then his friends and colleagues, who live day by day Nacho's advances, hugged and kissed him for his feat.

His parents recorded the video of the moment and decided to share it on social networks:

"We want to show society the story of our son and his friends, of his rehabilitation and of the unconditional support of the group that being so small, I understand union and improvement."

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According to Nacho's parents, his classmates were instrumental in their inclusion: "He is a very good student and his friends love him very much." And they add:

"He was happy and very confident. The boys also lived that moment with great encouragement towards Nacho, respect and love, as always. His companions are his family and when they saw him that he was about to go for a walk they began to sing 'that he walks alone,' walk alone 'while they applauded him. When he took a few steps they began to shout his name, happy that his friend was making it. "

According to Diego, his father:

"His story is an example for the whole community, everyone knows him, we are 40 thousand inhabitants. The neighbors know his efforts and value him very much."

We hope they are your first steps and that you achieve many more goals. Because we need many more children like him in all parts of the world.

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