Special education teachers poorly distributed in public schools

Sometimes, we may think that education specialists are not, certain facts make them doubt the degree they may have. We read the news that a three and a half year old boy of Cuban parents and residents in the Valencian town of Aldaia, is obliged to go to a school where school classes are in ValencianThe problem is that the little one has communication problems because suffers a variant of autism.

Alex's parents requested a few months ago from the town hall of their town, a place in a school that had special educators given the problem of the child, a month after starting the school year the territorial direction of Education informs the parents that the child should Change schools and attend one in which classes are all in Valencian. If the child already speaks only Spanish because of the disease that especially affects language, going to this school his education will be much more problematic. The funny thing is that in Aldaia there are three public schools that teach classes in Spanish, however, it seems that the territorial Directorate of Education believes that schooling in the mentioned school is more convenient.

Children suffering from a disability should attend a center where there are specialized teachers who know their problem and provide them with the most appropriate education. In our country there is a lack of professionals in this field ?, it seems that yes or rather, they are poorly distributed, as most parents who have a child with a disability state this.

Video: Panel - Abolish Private Schools, Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2012 Ideas at the House (May 2024).