The most used baby names in Spain: Adrián

One more week we reviewed one of the names most used in 2008 by the Spanish: Adrián.

It is the fifth most used name in the past year and curiously it was also in 2006 and 2007, so it remains in that position, behind "David", for a long time.

Last year there were 5,330 parents who decided that their son would be called Adrian. Who wants to know a little about this name I leave the following information: Meaning: Adrián is a masculine name of Latin origin "hadrianus" that refers to the natural Roman family of Hadria (near the Adriatic Sea). Its meaning is "He who comes from the sea" or "He who has the Adriatic sea nearby."

Dates: July 8 (Saint Adrian, soldier, patron of the messengers). March 5 (San Adrián, martir). January 9 (San Adrián, abbot).

Variants of Adrián: Adriano, Adrion, Hadrian.

Female variants: Adriana, Adria, Hadria.

Adrián in other languages:

  • Catalan: Adrià.
  • French: Adrien, Adrian, Adriano.
  • English: Hadrian or Adrian.
  • Italian: Adriano.

Famous and famous historical figures with the name of Adrián:

  • Adrián E. Douglas, born in London in 1889 and died in 1977, was a British physiologist who received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1932 for his work on the function of neurons and motor nerve cells.
  • Adriano IV, was born in Saint Albans in 1100 and died in 1159. He was Pope No. 169 of the Catholic Church from 1154 to 1159, being the only Englishman who has been Pope. Adriano VI, born in Utrecht in 1459 and died in 1523, was Regent of Castile and Pope No. 218 of the Catholic Church from 1522 to 1523.
  • Adriano, born in Rome in 76 and died in 138, was emperor of the Roman Empire, officially known as Imperator Caesar Divi Traiani filius Traianus Hadrianus Augustus, Y Divus Hadrianus after deification.
  • Adrià Gual y Queralt, born in Catalonia in 1872 and died in 1943, was a playwright, set designer and Spanish theater entrepreneur, promoter of the Catalan School of Dramatic Art and pioneer of cinema in Barcelona.
  • Adrià Collado, born in Barcelona in 1972, is a Spanish actor and entrepreneur that many will know for his role in the series "Here there is no one who lives."