The inspiring letter a teacher wrote to her student, after her classmates made fun of her weight

Sometimes, having confidence in ourselves and good self-esteem can be difficult, especially when we live in a world where fashion magazines and social networks bombard us with ridiculous and unrealistic beauty standards. As parents, It is important to remind our sons and daughters that their physique does not define who they are or the value.

And this is just the message that a teacher delivered to a student through an inspiring letter, after knowing that the girl had been the subject of teasing by her classmates because of her weight.

Although today we have the "body positive" movement, which fights so that all people can feel comfortable at their own weight regardless of their weight, skin color or imperfections, there is still much to do to stop the "body shaming," or mockery of other people's physique in order to make them feel uncomfortable or insecure.

In Babies and more A mother reminds us of the importance of speaking positively about our bodies in front of our daughters

To show this, the case of a girl who was criticized by her classmates, because of her weight. Stephanie Hollifield, mother of the girl in question, says that it all started when the girls started talking about how much each one weighed.

Her daughter felt bad because she was the one who weighed the most in the group, resulting in teasing from her classmates. Stephanie talked to her daughter, explaining that she was worth much more than just a number on a scale but despite his efforts, it was not enough for his daughter.

However, the day after talking with your daughter, the girl returned home accompanied by a letter written by her teacher, with whom he had also spoken the day before, telling him how hurt he felt from the comments of his partner.

To Stephanie's surprise, Her teacher's letter was really emotional and inspiring, and made her daughter feel much better Regarding what had happened. Therefore, he decided to share the letter on his page called Momstrosity, highlighting the dedication and kindness of the teacher towards her daughter:

"Yesterday, some girls made fun of my daughter's weight. She is taller and is six months older than most of her classmates. They had a talk in which they talked about how much they weighed and their number was the largest", Stephanie begins to relate."This is the first time, but it surely won't be the last time she compares its value with a number on the scale.".

And then, accompanied by its publication in which explains that sometimes words are easier to believe when they don't come from our own mother (Because of course, we assume they only say it because they love us and to make us feel better), share the letter his teacher wrote to his daughter:

You have been on my mind since yesterday. What happened in class removed my heart and I simply HAD to write to you. In life, people will do and say things that will hurt your feelings. This is a hard truth. It happened to me when I was a child and it still happens to me now as an adult. However, I want you to remember these things, precious:

Other people's inconsiderate words and actions do not say ANYTHING true about you, but actually reveal a lot about the other person. Just turn the other cheek and continue to be the brilliant example of kindness that you have been all year. The positive impact you have (even on those who hurt you) will be enormous because you have chosen to lead by example. You are a role model.

You are BEAUTIFUL, inside and out. You have one of the friendliest and most affectionate hearts than any of the students I have had. And I have been a teacher since dinosaurs walked the earth (hahaha), so I have taught many children and you are truly a bright star. It's true.

Being a girl is difficult, and throughout your life you will find yourself with many doubts about yourself, just like all girls do. When you start to doubt about how LOVING you are, remember that the numbers on a scale NEVER determine the value of a person. We are all of different sizes, colors and shapes, and honestly, that is what makes us so beautiful and unique. No one is exactly like you, and that is a very good thing! Rock your uniqueness.

Stephanie's post with the teacher's letter has been filled with positive comments, applauding the teacher's initiative and talking about how important it is to teach girls since childhood not only to love their physique, but not to make fun of or make other people less for being different.

Video: A Bully Apologizes To Her Victim 15 Years Later (April 2024).