The best tips on infant feeding of 2012

This year we have talked a lot about how to get children to eat healthy, so as we have been doing with other blog themes, we are now focusing on the best tips on infant feeding of 2012.

It is important to establish good habits from birth and continue them when the child begins to introduce complementary feeding, without losing sight of course of feeding at school age. Stay tuned for the most outstanding recommendations we have offered you this year.

Errors in the pediatrician's supplementary feeding sheets: express the amounts they should take

When the six months arrive and the child starts with the supplementary feeding, the pediatrician gives us a sheet with recommendations. We have found in it some errors such as expressing how much the baby should eat.

It is also a mistake to specify how many breastfeeding the baby should take, as well as to mark strict schedules or place food during the day in an immovable way.

Let them eat alone and choose food

The beginning of the Complementary feeding is a key moment for the babyWell, it is your first contact with food and it will help to establish your future relationship with food. Letting them choose is a good way to start it.

How should a good breakfast be for school?

He breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially in childhood. Children need all the energy of food to face the day at school.

Nutrients in infant feeding: carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals

We talked about each of the food groups and about the importance of each of them in infant feeding. Known the nutrients your child needs To grow healthy

The best after school snacks

What are the most frequent mistakes when giving them the snack and snack options so you can offer them a rich and healthy diet.

What to put in the tupper for school food?

A good option is that the children take the food from home in a pan to eat at school. What can we give them to be practical, not to bore them and at the same time to eat healthy and balanced.

Children who refuse specific foods

He rejection of food It is common among young children. What should we do in these cases so that it does not become a problem that interferes with your relationship with food.

Good eating habits from birth

It is essential to establish a healthy relationship with food Since they are very small. For them, there are some habits that must be established from birth, and even from the womb.

Tips for developing a healthy children's menu

Everything you need to consider to that children eat in a healthy and balanced way, with the right variety of foods to cover the nutrients they need throughout the day.

Tips for healthy infant feeding

Decalogue of tips for healthy eating in childhood, what to do so that they grow healthily and at the same time become more autonomous and responsible for nutrition.

Childhood obesity: keys to prevent it

Childhood obesity is one of the great diseases of this era. It affects younger children every time and causes serious health problems both in childhood and in adulthood.

Food and physical activity: a matter of balance

Physical activity is closely related to food. It is important to make it easier for children to exercise to avoid weight problems and because it is positive for their growth.

Children who eat too much

How to know if your child eats too much for his height and age. Understand what is wrong in your diet to avoid possible health problems from excess weight.

Children who eat little

There are also children who eat a small amount, and it is something that parents often worry a lot about. We talked about what to do in these cases to get the child to eat healthy, and when it's really worrying.

How to distribute meals in infant feeding

What to keep in mind to distribute food in an appropriate way throughout the day with the nutrients that children need at all times. What they should eat for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.

Weekly menu for babies and children

We have offered you seven examples of weekly menu by age group, from the beginning of complementary feeding at six months until the child turns six years old.

Photos | CarbonNYC and on Flickr