What face can men get when they see a birth for the first time?

A few weeks ago we showed you two men trying to suffer the pain that can be felt in childbirth and today I bring you two other men who recorded themselves doing something much more basic.

The former tried to feel it in their flesh, and their reactions can be understood, the latter, which you can see today, however, show us the face that men can put on seeing a birth for the first time.

The fact is that they did not even see it live, because they only saw a video of only four minutes (you know that a delivery lasts longer), but seeing their faces it is more than clear that, or they change a lot, or their partners they will have to give birth alone or accompanied by another person.

I imagine they had only seen deliveries in the movies (and you know that there is nothing there), and that's why they fail to understand that a pregnant woman gives birth on her feet. In fact, not only do they not understand it, but they are sure that the baby will go straight to the floor.

Worthy of mention are the faces they are putting on, which one does not know if they are watching a birth or a horror movie. There is a moment, in fact, when they begin to arch, as if they were going to vomit.

I honestly know that this is the reaction that a man can get to see a birth for the first time, but I hope it is the reaction of only a minority. It is important to see two men observe a birth and realize that it seems that no one has explained to them, even at school, how reproduction works and how children are born.

Look to what extent they get to ignore how the subject works, that one of them was filmed moments later explaining that the baby is attached to the umbilical cord, which unites, inside the woman, with her heart (I guess you should imagine that the cord is cut and then, within the mother, it disintegrates, or that it is left there, attached to some wall of the uterus, so that when there is a new baby it connects to it) .

Video: Giving Birth for the First Time. One Born Every Minute (July 2024).