Make a birth video or not

The time of the birth of your baby is approaching and the idea of ​​recording forever a memory of that day may arise. Many couples wonder if make a birth video or not.

The truth is that it is a very personal decision that must be valued conscientiously. It is a very beautiful experience, almost always, but at the same time very intimate, perhaps comparable to a sex scene. It can be exciting to have such an intense experience immortalized, but there are several things to consider before making a determination.

The first thing to know is if they allow you to record the birth in the center where you are going to give birth. In many they do not allow it and in some they only allow the couple to be behind the woman and not in front so the shots would be only from that angle. On the other hand, I don't know if many men would dare to be "on the other side."

Of course, the mother must agree and it must be something that you have spoken before the birth. Nobody would like to be in full labor to take the surprise of being recorded. In addition, at that time the support of the couple is fundamental and both are focused on the really important: the birth of your son.

I have never considered it, really, nor do I take pictures of the time of delivery. The first images we captured were those of the baby with just a couple of hours of life, but not of the birth process. Even so, I perfectly remember each of my three births and they will be forever engraved in my memory.

Why make a video of childbirth

Some couples are very excited. It can be a very nice memory for parents and also for the baby. When he is older he will have the privilege of knowing how it has come to the world, something that not many can boast.

If you have decided to make a video of the birth, it is advisable to preview some videos on the internet to give you an idea of ​​how to do it, what to do and what not to do in the shots.

If you record it, another important decision is with whom to share the recording later. It is very different from the wedding video that is shared happily with family and friends.

Why not make a video of childbirth

The main thing is attend to the desire of the pregnant, there are many women who simply would not shame.

One of the most widespread reasons is that the person who records, almost always the father, will be more aware of making the video than of giving support to the mother at such a special moment. As much as you can relive again and again thanks to the recording, the sensations of that moment are unique and unrepeatable.

There is the possibility of placing a tripod and leaving the static camera, if allowed. The quality is probably not the same, but it is a valid alternative.

Another factor to keep in mind is that in a birth you see blood, fluids, there may be episiotomy, tears ... in short, images that are probably not too pleasant to see for some. We must also consider the possibility that something is not going well and that will also be reflected. Most likely, it is not pleasant to remember either.

Many prefer to have that moment recorded in his most intimate memory And not in a video.

One tip if you have not decided yet is watch delivery videos that you can find on the net and imagine if you would like to be the protagonists of those images. Here you have a couple to open your mouth.

In conclusion, some of you may not even consider it, but if you are thinking of make a birth video or not, keep in mind that it is a decision that you must make between the two, evaluating pros and cons, but above all valuing emotions above all. It can be a very nice memory to have but it shouldn't tarnish such a special moment for you and the baby.

Have you considered making a video of childbirth? Have you done it? We would love you to tell us your experiences.